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Forums - General Discussion - The "Encourage Guest to become Members" thread

supermario128 said:
This is never going to work, sorry to say. People will only join if they like to see the #'s and discuss them.

Then let's give them a good reason to join. I'll pay you a visit if you don't join.

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I think many potential new members have been put off by the recent spurr of incidents, what with spamming, site downtime and slow loading/refreshing.
Most of these issues seem to be sorted out now, however, so there's nothing really stopping new members from ensigning! Come on in, you won't find a better community on the web today!

I also feel that, as senior users, we should be lending a hand to newbies and teach them about Vgchartz etiquette and tradition rather than yelling them away because they don't automatically attune to them.
I remember when I was a newb here, a lot of my posts were disregarded or viewed as ignorant simply because I lacked seniority.
I do not wish this upon our members joining today and tomorrow, we don't want to become an enclosed group of haters who chase everyone not instantly tuned the same as we.

So; new members welcome, and old members; welcome anyone who wishes to join us and perhaps they'll become good contributors such as yourselves after a while! Let's at least give them a chance to prove their mettle.

we got one, yay!! hello dead parrot and welcome to VGC!

now to all you other lurkers who are reading this very post right now, just do it!!!!!
