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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Standby for ReviewFall - Estimate Meta after week for xbone version


Titanfall Metacritic after a week?

0-15 4 2.96%
16-35 0 0%
36-55 0 0%
56-65 2 1.48%
66-74 2 1.48%
75-80 15 11.11%
81-85 39 28.89%
86-90 54 40.00%
91-95 14 10.37%
96-100 5 3.70%

92 is my guess.

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I think it's going to do very well. 90+. It seems to be the type of game made for Metacritic; it looks like a lot of fun in the short-term, with a ton of jaw-dropping visual elements. The jet-pack movement factor also seems quite original and it will get points for that.

I'm not so sure about the long-term fun it offers or if the game can maintain balanced game-play but those are issue rarely touched on with game reviews.

Quite honestly, I think a lot of reviewers have already made up their minds that they're going to like it. I think the same thing happened with Uncharted 2 and the way it blew everyone away at E3. First impressions can impact how one feels about a game going in, which can impact the experience with a review based on a small segment of time.

Its a FPS and has mechs 100, even tough its probably just gona be another shooter. If it were a FPS and had open world itd be 70000000 on metacritics. Thats what you need to get good reviews, be a FPS and/or have open worlds the rest dont realy matter much.

This one is very hard to predict because it's all up to reviewers bias and if they want controversial clicks for either low scores or high scores. There's always a possibility that you'll get the back handed politics that reviewers are paid and sponsored for giving more then generous scores. I don't care what people say I firmly believe that there are some cases where all 3 console makers have paid or sponsored review sites in the past for this practice. The industry is not as kindhearted and honest as some would believe. With all that up in the air, the closest I can predict is between 88 and 92. Not any higher or lower this early in the gen.


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Given the way reviewers are falling over themselves for it I'd guess 92 for X1 version with a few low scores, but mostly praise because it epitomizes what is "in" with gaming right now (FPS, gritty realistic aesthetic, multi-player centric (in this case only) and quick run and gun action).

Ryan Mcaffery reviewing for IGN so expect a 10

Looks like y'all pretty spot on so far

AZWification said:


Hopefully Titanfall magically gets another 3 points, because I want to be 100% right with my prediction dammit!

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

The lack of single player mode will keep it from ever being in the 90s. I say it will be 85 or 86 after next week.