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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The first time in 10 years I am interested in a Nintendo system. I just might you know.

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selnor1983 said:
Ocilayton said:
selnor1983 said:
Ocilayton said:
Surely you've heard of Monolith X

Sort of. Will have gander. Whats it about?

It's an open world rpg where you can fly around in mechs.

Spits out coffee at work. Saved for later when I get home.

C'mon, you didn't know about X?

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

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Also OP, If you like Mario and DKC why didn't you a buy a wii with galaxy and DKCR? Well because the wii u is backwards compatible you can still play them I guess.

You should. The biggest downfall for me right now is the lack of third party stuff to pad out the big Nintendo offerings. I'm waiting for Splinter Cell (a game available everywhere else) to arrive via mail so I can have a good reason to fire up my Wii U. Luckily, I have the other consoles. I highly recommend the Wii U for Nintendo's games alone but there are times when I wish it had more support.

Ocilayton said:
Also OP, If you like Mario and DKC why didn't you a buy a wii with galaxy and DKCR? Well because the wii u is backwards compatible you can still play them I guess.

I stopped paying attention to anything Nintendo was doing for years. Some decisions they made really pushed me away. I hated what happened to Starfox and OOT I suppose essentially made WW for me not what I wanted and imagined for 3 years whilst it was being made. Equaling massive disapointment when it released. I went on to pay no attention to Nintendo for just about all of the Wii's life.

I suppose in that time I branched out and now love Halo, Forza among other titles. So I suppose in the end if I end up liking Ninty again ( and DKC TF and SM3dW is a bloody good start ) I will do so with the Chief and MS along for the ride this time.

selnor1983 said:

What else is coming for Wii U that looks and feels as amazing as the 2 titles I just mentioned. Cmon Nintendo fans, push me over the edge. I am really feeling like a Wii U would be an amazing compliment for Xbox One.

Monolith Soft's X


Mario Kart 8


Smash Bros


Bayonetta 2


Yarn Yoshi

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 Caused meltdowns of epic propotions. 

Same here. And if you add the good wii games you missed out ,like mario galaxy etc, those 300$ seem worth it

I do hope the Wii U can make a bit of a come back, i reckon ill pick one up sometime in 2014, just got 3DS at christmas and loving those Nintendo games.


Ooohh. Bayonetta 2. :)

Whats Yoshis Yarn? Is that like Yoshis Island? I loved Yoshis Island.

mr_capello said:
Same here. And if you add the good wii games you missed out ,like mario galaxy etc, those 300$ seem worth it

Hmmm yes.

You are right. DKCR looks great also. MArio Galaxy and Super NSMBU etc.

Right my birthday is May 10. Im going for it. Wii U brand new with Super Mario 3d World.