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Forums - Sales Discussion - December 2013 NPD Thread! - Everything is in the OP!

Train wreck said:
ethomaz said:


FE ~ 370k
Sly PSV ~ 67k
EO4 ~ 36k
Brain age ~ 26k
Dark moon ~ 1M+
MH3U ~ 224k
SS ~ 72K
LEGO 3DS ~ 365k
DS:SH ~ 36k
DKCR ~ 386k
ACNL ~ 910k
X zone ~ 87k
SMT4 ~ 96k
M&L ~ 472k
KZ:M ~ 102k
RF4 ~ 47k
Rayman PSV ~ 20k
Sonic 3DS ~ 97k
Party ~ 252k

All above LTDs didn't count bundle, but count special ed.

3rd party games dont sell well on the 3DS either  for a console with 11 million wow

What should have sold more according to you?

Around the Network
Soundwave said:
RolStoppable said:
superhippy420 said:

It's funny because I personally feel that the Xbox One and PS4 are boring.  Same features as the old consoles, same games, better graphics.   The Wii was carried by great software. Wii Sports was a hit among casuals, and hardcores secretly loved it too.  It also launched with Twilight Princess which sold almost 7 million lifetime, followed by a steady stream of good software for about 4 years.  The motion controls had alot to do with it because it allowed things like Wii Sports to be made, but there were plenty of games that sold great that did'nt even need it.   Nintendo offers the Wii U Pro Controller already as well.  I am not sure what other kind of remote they could make to boost the console, if that is your idea.

Your personal tastes don't matter. What's important is that the One and PS4 fall more in line with consumer expectations than the Wii U did. It's the safe path to offer an evolution of the previous console; it might not be exciting, but it's satisfying. So in the most simple terms:

PS4 = Same as PS3, but better.
One = Same as 360, but better. (For the most part; the DRM stuff and high price were/are obstacles.)
Wii U = Not the same as Wii.

To keep things simple when talking about making a better Wii, let's look at one of the pillars of the Wii: Wii Sports. How do you make that better? You offer a better Wiimote and Nunchuk combo; better motion sensing in both parts (especially the Nunchuk), remove the cord to allow more freedom of control. The Gamepad does not exist. How does this affect tennis? You can now have the option to move your character with the analog stick, all the while having better control. How about boxing? The better motion sensing in the Nunchuk part really comes in handy. And beyond that, you can think about implementing other sports, more than Wii Sports Resort offered. Add an online component too. None of that is revolutionary; you can't reinvent the wheel every time, but you don't have to. You still have an appealing package (especially because nobody else dares to tackle motion-controlled games in a serious manner).

What did Nintendo actually do? They kept the same Wiimote, made it more of an afterthought to the console (it's all about the Gamepad) and delivered a butchered version of a Wii Sports remake one year after launch; and it has no retail presence. That's not how you handle a follow-up to the Wii itself and its most popular game.

The same but better formula works for the PS4/X1 because hardcore gamers love that. They want better graphics. Asking the core PS/XBox audience if they want a new console with better graphics is like asking a sex addict if they want to go a strip club. He's not going to just say yes, he's going to offer to drive. 

My sister would not pay $300 for a Wii U/Wii 2/whateveryouwanttocall it just to play Just Dance when she can pay $20 to play the game on the Wii. 

Most people don't care about a "better" Wiimote, the average Wii owner doesn't really even understand the differences between the regular Wiimote and WM+. 

To be honest I think the fuss over Just Dance's sales are overblown anyway. It's not *that* shocking that out of about 40 million households with a Wii in the US that 1-2 million of them might still be active and Just Dance at $20-$30 a pop is an impulse buy purchase for a few folkes. 

A dance game is one of the few casual genres that doesn't really work on a smartphone/tablet for obvious reasons. 

Nintendo's biggest mistake in the 1st year has been lack of big software. bottom line.   A new wiimote/nunchuk would have blown up in their face.  Motion Control games still have a market, but not nearly like they did 5 years ago.   They launched with NSMBU,Zombie U, and Nintendo Land and the launch sales were great.  After that the only game to come out for 8 months was Lego City, and moving a Lego game without a big brand to back it up was always going to be a struggle.    I am personally glad that Rayman Legends sold poorly for Ubisoft because they screwed Nintendo last year,  It has sold only 800k on all three consoles combined, and I am sure if it actually came out when it should have, it would have sold that on Wii U alone.   Pikmin has never been a huge seller.  W101 was a modern gamecube game (awesome for the hardcore, but the mainstream looks at it as nerdy and awkward).  WW HD was a remake. SM3DW apparently moved alot of consoles for Nintendo.    This system is far from dead, but Nintendo needs to releases atleast 8 big titles this year to bring it back to life.  We know of 6 (Smash Bros,Kart,Bayonetta,X,Hyrule Warriors,Donkey Kong), 2 more like Metroid and Pokemon would do the trick no doubt.

Fusioncode said:
benji232 said:
Wow lol, brain age really really bombed. 26k LTD.

Went from like 20m on the DS to 40k on the 3DS. Is that the hardest any franchise has ever dropped? 

I believe so lol. It's definetly the largest drop of any franchise going from gen 7 to gen 8. 

Predictions for LT console sales:

PS4: 120M

XB1: 70M

WiiU: 14M

3DS: 60M

Vita: 13M

Train wreck said:
ethomaz said:


FE ~ 370k
Sly PSV ~ 67k
EO4 ~ 36k
Brain age ~ 26k
Dark moon ~ 1M+
MH3U ~ 224k
SS ~ 72K
LEGO 3DS ~ 365k
DS:SH ~ 36k
DKCR ~ 386k
ACNL ~ 910k
X zone ~ 87k
SMT4 ~ 96k
M&L ~ 472k
KZ:M ~ 102k
RF4 ~ 47k
Rayman PSV ~ 20k
Sonic 3DS ~ 97k
Party ~ 252k

All above LTDs didn't count bundle, but count special ed.

3rd party games dont sell well on the 3DS either  for a console with 11 million wow

We're talking about VERY niche franchises here.  Shin Megami hasn't sold well on anything in the US.  Monster Hunter is in line with other games in the franchise, and it's remake.  Etrian Odyssey and Rune Factory are again very niche franchises.  The only one that really underperformed was Sonic. 

Cream with Xbone YTD.


Around the Network
Fusioncode said:
benji232 said:
Wow lol, brain age really really bombed. 26k LTD.

Went from like 20m on the DS to 40k on the 3DS. Is that the hardest any franchise has ever dropped? 

I didnt even know Nintendo released a new Brain Age until I just saw this and I have a 3DS, no joke.  

We are witnessing the end of dedicated portable gaming. Those 3DS software sales are frightening, no wonder Western third parties won't touch it with a 60 foot pole.

The less said about the Vita the better.

I really hope Nintendo acknowledge the obvious and don't bother releasing a successor to the 3DS that is just more of the same. The market has changed. Deal with it.

Train wreck said:
ethomaz said:


FE ~ 370k
Sly PSV ~ 67k
EO4 ~ 36k
Brain age ~ 26k
Dark moon ~ 1M+
MH3U ~ 224k
SS ~ 72K
LEGO 3DS ~ 365k
DS:SH ~ 36k
DKCR ~ 386k
ACNL ~ 910k
X zone ~ 87k
SMT4 ~ 96k
M&L ~ 472k
KZ:M ~ 102k
RF4 ~ 47k
Rayman PSV ~ 20k
Sonic 3DS ~ 97k
Party ~ 252k

All above LTDs didn't count bundle, but count special ed.

3rd party games dont sell well on the 3DS either  for a console with 11 million wow

Shin Megami Tensei 4 did 96k on an 11 Million NA userbase, therefore 3rd Party games don't sell on 3DS.
Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne sold 70k in NA on a 50 million NA userbase, therfore 3rd party games don't sell on the PS2.

Would you agree with my statement?

Brain Age audience is definitely gone entirely. Anyone who wants to argue that is just beyond delusional.

JWeinCom said:
Train wreck said:
ethomaz said:


FE ~ 370k
Sly PSV ~ 67k
EO4 ~ 36k
Brain age ~ 26k
Dark moon ~ 1M+
MH3U ~ 224k
SS ~ 72K
LEGO 3DS ~ 365k
DS:SH ~ 36k
DKCR ~ 386k
ACNL ~ 910k
X zone ~ 87k
SMT4 ~ 96k
M&L ~ 472k
KZ:M ~ 102k
RF4 ~ 47k
Rayman PSV ~ 20k
Sonic 3DS ~ 97k
Party ~ 252k

All above LTDs didn't count bundle, but count special ed.

3rd party games dont sell well on the 3DS either  for a console with 11 million wow

We're talking about VERY niche franchises here.  Shin Megami hasn't sold well on anything in the US.  Monster Hunter is in line with other games in the franchise, and it's remake.  Etrian Odyssey and Rune Factory are again very niche franchises.  The only one that really underperformed was Sonic. 

Guess that is the importance of western 3rd parties, many games like star wars and imagine babies and nickolodean games are showing their importance. Lego is the only game of significance and I believe last year creamsugar mentioned that angry birds was the best selling 3rd party games on the system