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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Sonic Shuffle 2?

Am I the only one who wants to see Sega and Hudson bring back Sonic Shuffle?
Sonic Shuffle was pretty much the MarioParty for Sonic it was even made by Hudson's same team that brought us MarioParty. The game wasn't the greatest and many found it to be subpar to MarioParty however the innovative use of the VMU and abundance of mini-games made it one of my favorite party games.
MarioParty8 was just released on the Nintendo Wii proving Party games are still very popular. Sonic himself has seen a dip in quality of his platformer titles and is in need of some spice. So with the Nintendo Wii Hudson could once again bring Sonic into the party ring.
Now since Hudson developed both SonicShuffle and MarioParty, should they abandon MarioParty for a year and release a SonicShuffle2?
Should they release both a SonicShuffle2 and MarioParty and watch them duke it out?
Or do you think maybe since Nintendo and Sega are getting along so well and games featuring both characters are pretty popular. That maybe Hudson should make a MarioParty game featuring Sonic Characters?



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Sonic Shuffle had some nice art, but was nigh unbearable to play. There's a reason the game has a Gamerankings average of 56%. I'd rather they just let it stay dead, to be honest.

Hates Nomura.

Tagged: GooseGaws - <--- Has better taste in games than you.

Please, god no. Not another party game on the Wii. Go play some Carnival Games or something ;).

I drink your milkshake.

wow more wii mini games, c'mon someone sega, give us a another sonic adventure game

11ht11 said:
wow more wii mini games, c'mon someone sega, give us a another sonic adventure game

Yes! Sega should make another 3D sonic game that'd be as good as the adventure games. Not crappy Heroes, Shadow the lamehog and that terrible 360 game.

They should look back at SA1/SA2 and figure out WHY they were a success. (I've been playing SADX last night, I miss playing the good sonic games)

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it would be fun to see a sonic shuffle and mario party release at the same time and see which will sell more

Personally, I think the party mode in Sonic and the Secret Rings (assuming you unlocked enoguh minigames) is good enough the I don't think we need a Sonic Shuffle.

I'd never heard of this game till now, your post fails to mention what console it was on, please enlighten me? =)

OH GOD. If this were to be released, it would completely prove how low SEGA has gone. Did anybody actually like Sonic Shuffle?

ArtofAngels said:
I'd never heard of this game till now, your post fails to mention what console it was on, please enlighten me? =)


And TBH, that game was awful. CPU sonic is ALWAYS cheap on the boards...he can goto 10 spaces unlike everyone else in a turn. And you can't select any minigames anytime, you can only play them through story mode.