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Forums - Gaming Discussion - IGN's Game of the Year

d21lewis said:
FlamingWeazel said:
There were no xbox exclusives the last few years to get nominated for anything, even the most dedicated xbox fan has to see that.

Halo 4?

Ah.... was going to reply pointing out it's from 2012 but you seem to know this from your later posts, Halo 4 was an okay Wrap up but to me if you had an arm cannon you could charage at a point that game felt like a metroid prime at points than classic Halo. I wouldn't actually have nominated it in 2012 myself I mean.... maybe for a tear jerking part.... but that's just because I'm a sucker for that.

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FlamingWeazel said:

Nice backtrack, you implied it was not much of a game but a movie. The game is as GAME as it gets, it so happens to have amazingtory and characters to boot. You spread BS about it's gameplay and got called out, just accept it.

Wrong, and wrong. Sorry. I know you're trying real damn hard to "win the argument", even though there's not much of an argument in the first place. But fact is, I never actually SAID much if anything at all about the GAMEPLAY. I never said there was anything WRONG with the gameplay. It certainly doesn't light my world on fire, I didn't find it to be amazing gameplay, but I also didn't bother bringing it up.

I posted a personal OPINION about why I don't think TLOU is "Game of the Year", and you apparently can't handle someone having  a different opinion than your own. Just accept it. Good day.