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Forums - Gaming Discussion - IGN's Game of the Year

I think we can all congratulate The Last of Us for winning overall game of the year by a land slide. You did good GTAV, any other year and you would have probably won.

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Lots of great games this year and TLOU was definitely among the top.

No nomination for beyond makes me sad though :(

toot1231 said:

I need to watch that movie.


Mario 3D World all day.


Moderated - Kresnik.

Wait, so those 40 hours I spent playing the multiplayer was just a movie the whole time?

Seriously, I got TLoU for free with my PS3 on Black Friday and I just couldn't get into it. I think I'll start the whole game over. I got to one of those encounters where you had to sneak up on those zombie people, got passed it and searched for supplies and then I quit playing. Wasn't drawn in at all. I avoided all spoilers and I'm sure I'm still early in the game (found out about Ellie's little secret and played about an hour after that). I'm holding off judgement until I beat it so I assume something huge is going to happen sooner or later.

JoeTheBro said:
Lots of great games this year and TLOU was definitely among the top.

No nomination for beyond makes me sad though :(

Now Beyond: Two Souls....that was my PS3 GotY!  There were times when it dragged but it was so beautiful and ambitious and dat ending!!  I know it's a niche game but if The Walking Dead could get so much recognition last year, surely somebody loves Beyond as much as we do.  Sucked me in from the opening scene and never let go.

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TLOU was awesome, one of the best games I've ever played for sure, and the multiplayer is super underrated. Tons of fun there alone.

I'd say that's about right.

I've never heard so many people from so many different gaming preferences say it was the best game they ever played.

Girls, guys, people that play the yearly iterations of the same FPS and sports game each year, people that haven't played their PS3 in months, etc. were saying it was the best game they ever played.

I didn't believe it as I had to study but when I did finally play it, there were several moments I agreed. Definitely the best introduction ever and then some.

d21lewis said:
Seriously, I got TLoU for free with my PS3 on Black Friday and I just couldn't get into it. I think I'll start the whole game over. I got to one of those encounters where you had to sneak up on those zombie people, got passed it and searched for supplies and then I quit playing. Wasn't drawn in at all. I avoided all spoilers and I'm sure I'm still early in the game (found out about Ellie's little secret and played about an hour after that). I'm holding off judgement until I beat it so I assume something huge is going to happen sooner or later.

the opening starts huge, then the game can get rather slow, but it does pick up again. It's worth dealing with the slow parts for what comes later but if you just want to do one play through it shouldn't be too much of a chore. I need to replay it all for some trophies and I'm not looking forward to the first quarter and a bit, but I've already played it twice.


Seriously though its a great game.

Unexpected but well deserved best game of the year! i'm glad that GTAV didn't win -_-