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Forums - Politics Discussion - United States of America + Canada?


Should the two countries become one?

Yes - Canada should join the United States 52 17.39%
Yes - through an EU-styled agreement 42 14.05%
Yes - through some other means 3 1.00%
No - though I support fur... 109 36.45%
No - the two countries ar... 68 22.74%
Other/Not Sure 17 5.69%
bucky1965 said:
-CraZed- said:
damoxuk said:
Lots of similarities but also totally different health systems. Canada is more akin to our NHS in that's it's free to all people taxpayers rather than the rich favouring US system.

Tell that to all the Candaians we get here in WA state crossing the border to get treatment for things that either have them waiting months to years or for procedures not available there. I know I am a nurse and we get them all the time here.

And now that we have a nationalized health care law (ACA) instead of just higher taxes those of us who pay our way through life get to experience higher premiums, copays and deductibles which equals  less money in our pockets for our own families well being.

And the rich don't need ANY system including Canada's since they have the money to travel to places where they can get the procedures etc. not paid for under a single payer system. The only thing accomplished by "free" health care is locking in those who have just enough to pay for it (through taxation or higher premiums) but not enough to flee said system or the power to resist it and instilling that sense of entitlement in those who don't pay anything for it.

Free doesn't = good or better.

It's not free here either. Our tax dollars pay for it. Nothings free with capitalism.

You are absolutely right it isn't free for those who actually pay taxes. But for those who don't they will tell you all day it is free. Can't tell you how many times I have heard from Canadians how muh better their "free" health care is.

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-CraZed- said:
bucky1965 said:
-CraZed- said:
damoxuk said:
Lots of similarities but also totally different health systems. Canada is more akin to our NHS in that's it's free to all people taxpayers rather than the rich favouring US system.

Tell that to all the Candaians we get here in WA state crossing the border to get treatment for things that either have them waiting months to years or for procedures not available there. I know I am a nurse and we get them all the time here.

And now that we have a nationalized health care law (ACA) instead of just higher taxes those of us who pay our way through life get to experience higher premiums, copays and deductibles which equals  less money in our pockets for our own families well being.

And the rich don't need ANY system including Canada's since they have the money to travel to places where they can get the procedures etc. not paid for under a single payer system. The only thing accomplished by "free" health care is locking in those who have just enough to pay for it (through taxation or higher premiums) but not enough to flee said system or the power to resist it and instilling that sense of entitlement in those who don't pay anything for it.

Free doesn't = good or better.

It's not free here either. Our tax dollars pay for it. Nothings free with capitalism.

You are absolutely right it isn't free for those who actually pay taxes. But for those who don't they will tell you all day it is free. Can't tell you how many times I have heard from Canadians how muh better their "free" health care is.

You can blame on the media. Every time something gets privatized or the fees go up, the media is all over it. It's free  Its all the govrnments fault etc....Some people will belive everything the media tells them.

This idea seems to have really riled up some people. Although I agree with the sentiment, it's kind of ridiculous.

NolSinkler said:
DD_Bwest said:
NolSinkler said:
Metrium said:
As a Quebecer I want Quebec to leave Canada and become it's own country. So as you can guess, I'm totaly against this idea. We are not canadians so we are obviously farther from being americans.

That doesn't make sense.  If you're not Canadians, that makes you more likely to be an American, since Americans are also not Canadian.  Of course, I'd love it if Canadians could also be Americans...

 but if a canadian isnt a quebecer, wouldnt the canadian then be more likely to be american then?  Just because 2 things are not like a third thing, doesnt mean the first 2 are closer to that of eachother. 

What hes saying is Those in quebec who want independence  see themselves as their own identity, and dont want to be part of the others.  Quebec has a different culture then most of the rest of canada, and is very different then the yanks.

Not according to Set Theory.  Canadians are NOT American (definitionally), implying that the set of things Canadian are mutually exclusive to the set of things American.  Quebecers are NOT Canadian (given by first post here), meaning that they do not belong to the set of things Canadian, implying that they may still belong to the things American.

Canadians = A
Americans = B
Quebecers = C

A intersect B = empty set
A intersect C = empty set
This is the given information.  Given this information we cannot conclude whether B intersect C is the empty set or not.

the thing is we are also given B intersect C = Empty set.    and as such, with no more information given, you cannot say that any of a/b  a/c  or b/c are closer then another.

I am Torgo, I take care of the place while the master is away.

"Hes the clown that makes the dark side fun.. Torgo!"

Ha.. i won my bet, but i wasnt around to gloat because im on a better forum!  See ya guys on Viz

Metrium said:
As a Quebecer I want Quebec to leave Canada and become it's own country. So as you can guess, I'm totaly against this idea. We are not canadians so we are obviously farther from being americans.

Ah, but that's why you SHOULD want Canada to joun America.  If it did, that would probably give your Quebeccer's the push you need to get enough of the province voting for independence....

and leaving would be easiest during a merger like this.