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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Prediction: Which console will be in first place by the end of 2014?


Which console will have the most Lifetime sales by the end of 2014?

Wii U 210 25.55%
PS4 569 69.22%
Xbox One 42 5.11%
Zero999 said:

Wii U hands down. ps4 second, xone third.

Dat 400% YOY increase you're expecting.

Sorry to burst your bubble but WiiU will be last by 2015.


Around the Network
Seece said:
Zero999 said:

Wii U hands down. ps4 second, xone third.

Dat 400% YOY increase you're expecting.

Sorry to burst your bubble but WiiU will be last by 2015.

back to the percentage fallacy. at least you fixed the number this time.

sorry to burst your bubble but all things considered, even if someone believes ps4 will be first, he/she shouldn't think it will be third in 2014. not with the info we have.

Zero999 said:
Seece said:
Zero999 said:

Wii U hands down. ps4 second, xone third.

Dat 400% YOY increase you're expecting.

Sorry to burst your bubble but WiiU will be last by 2015.

back to the percentage fallacy. at least you fixed the number this time.

sorry to burst your bubble but all things considered, even if someone believes ps4 will be first, he/she shouldn't think it will be third in 2014. not with the info we have.

The info showing XB1 and PS4 outselling WiiU lifetime sales in the regions they're available in? WiiU doing ONLY 3m for the entire year and likely coming in 3rd for 2013 sales despite an extra 10 months on shelves?

Your awful 10.2m prediction really hasn't made you realise has it?

You were out FOUR POINT FIVE MILLION dude.


I want to say Wii U, but the numbers don't lie, I say PS4 :(

Xbox live: kyokusanagiii    Watching: Patlabor The Mobile Police (OAV 1)

PS4>XB1>Wii U

Around the Network
Seece said:
Zero999 said:
Seece said:
Zero999 said:

Wii U hands down. ps4 second, xone third.

Dat 400% YOY increase you're expecting.

Sorry to burst your bubble but WiiU will be last by 2015.

back to the percentage fallacy. at least you fixed the number this time.

sorry to burst your bubble but all things considered, even if someone believes ps4 will be first, he/she shouldn't think it will be third in 2014. not with the info we have.

The info showing XB1 and PS4 outselling WiiU lifetime sales in the regions they're available in? WiiU doing ONLY 3m for the entire year and likely coming in 3rd for 2013 sales despite an extra 10 months on shelves?

Your awful 10.2m prediction really hasn't made you realise has it?

You were out FOUR POINT FIVE MILLION dude.

bolded: UK for both, Europe for ps4 (thanks to UK)....... So basically, NO.

bolded2: more than 3M. Relevant for future sales? NO. and why did that happen, again? lack of games. will it happen in 2014? NO

and I'm sure you think ps4 and xone won't drop and will have magical numbers for the next months.

PS4 obviously cause it is the best console and the console to own in this Gen
Nr1 probably around March and never will leave this place

X1 will be 2nd thanks to Titanfall or at least thanks to Halo 5 if the 360 Version of Titanfall slaugthers the One Version.

WiiU...It exists.

Zero999 said:
Seece said:
Zero999 said:
Seece said:
Zero999 said:

Wii U hands down. ps4 second, xone third.

Dat 400% YOY increase you're expecting.

Sorry to burst your bubble but WiiU will be last by 2015.

back to the percentage fallacy. at least you fixed the number this time.

sorry to burst your bubble but all things considered, even if someone believes ps4 will be first, he/she shouldn't think it will be third in 2014. not with the info we have.

The info showing XB1 and PS4 outselling WiiU lifetime sales in the regions they're available in? WiiU doing ONLY 3m for the entire year and likely coming in 3rd for 2013 sales despite an extra 10 months on shelves?

Your awful 10.2m prediction really hasn't made you realise has it?

You were out FOUR POINT FIVE MILLION dude.

bolded: UK for both, Europe for ps4 (thanks to UK)....... So basically, NO.

bolded2: more than 3M. Relevant for future sales? NO. and why did that happen, again? lack of games. will it happen in 2014? NO

and I'm sure you think ps4 and xone won't drop and will have magical numbers for the next months.

US Dec or January most likely. PS4 practically every country it's released in, Europe for XB1 is only a matter of time! So basically, yes.

Less than 3m. Absolutely relevent to future sales, what a ridiculous thing to say. It shows the public are not interested. It had a big Mario game this holiday yet still sold below Gamecube and Dreamcast levels in the US (and likely Europe) Japan is the only place it's put up decent (relatively) sales.

PS4 and XB1 will drop, it's not the holidays anymore, everything drops. They won't drop to WiiU levels though.


MTZehvor said:
Call me crazy, but I'm going with Wii U here. I expect the PS4 to pass it at some point, but I think Nintendo's 2014 lineup (Donkey Kong, Mario Kart, Super Smash Bros) is enough to delay that into 2015.


I won't call you crazy. Those are pretty good games and I can see why you have faith in them; but in my opinion the PS4 has an stronger line up of games for 2014, even if it is just quantity wise.

Just to name a few: The Witcher 3, Infamous: Second Son, Destiny, The Order: 1886, The Crew, Dragon Age: Inquisition, Metal Gear Solid, Thief, Wolfenstein: The New Order, Driveclub, Dying Light, Final Fantasy XIV Online, The Elder Scrolls Online, Minecraft (I don't know what  the fuss is with this game but people seem to love it).


Now, I know some of these games are not gonna be PS4 exclusives, but they are games that are NOT gonna be on the WiiU, and are games that would make me go for the PS4 instead of the WiiU (if I were to buy another console on 2014) well, except for Minecraft.


Oh! and another thing: If there is another price cut for the WiiU, then yes, I can totally see it outselling the PS4.

Zero999 said:
Seece said:
Zero999 said:

Wii U hands down. ps4 second, xone third.

Dat 400% YOY increase you're expecting.

Sorry to burst your bubble but WiiU will be last by 2015.

back to the percentage fallacy. at least you fixed the number this time.

sorry to burst your bubble but all things considered, even if someone believes ps4 will be first, he/she shouldn't think it will be third in 2014. not with the info we have.

Oh, all these fallacies, just like mine and my darned alternate realities. Posted this one on your wall recently as a friendly reminder and you deleted it, of course;

My post-adjustment numbers were also deleted. You're not even trying any more, are you? If you're gonna keep putting up this show in 2014, it's going to be a long and difficult year for you in here.