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Forums - Gaming Discussion - A list of Wii U predictions for 2014

Here's a nice list of Wii U predictions for 2014:

Which of these do you think will come true?  What are YOUR predictions for the Wii U in 2014?  For easy viewing:

10. The Legend of Zelda Wii U won’t be released this year.

9. A Nintendo DS smartphone.

8. Shin Megami Tensei and Fire Emblem cross-over slips into 2015.

7. A new Pokemon game for the Wii U.

6. Animal Crossing Wii U will be announced.

5. GameCube games will finally make their way to the Wii U.

4. Nintendo will release a virtual console subscription service like Netflix.

3. Nintendo will release a new SKU.

2. Miyamoto will reveal his new project.

1. Satoru Iwata will step down as CEO of Nintendo.

Around the Network

10.( Though Hyrule Warriors is slated this year but it is just a spinoff)
9. No.
8. 50/50 chance.
7. Bound to happen sometime.
6. Probably not till 2015.
5. 50/50 chance as well
4. No
3. Maybe a $250 Wii U Basic bundled with one game.
2. Hopefully.
1. Most likely not.

1. nintendo transform into a weapon research company and firms a contract with the US goverment to create a weapon of mass destruction (ODIN). LOL

34 years playing games.


softcoregamer82 said:

Here's a nice list of Wii U predictions for 2014:

Which of these do you think will come true?  What are YOUR predictions for the Wii U in 2014?  For easy viewing:

10. The Legend of Zelda Wii U won’t be released this year.

9. A Nintendo DS smartphone.

8. Shin Megami Tensei and Fire Emblem cross-over slips into 2015.

7. A new Pokemon game for the Wii U.

6. Animal Crossing Wii U will be announced.

5. GameCube games will finally make their way to the Wii U.

4. Nintendo will release a virtual console subscription service like Netflix.

3. Nintendo will release a new SKU.

2. Miyamoto will reveal his new project.

1. Satoru Iwata will step down as CEO of Nintendo.

Almost none of that shit will actually happen. Congrats.

#9 is really stupid... I mean of all the things you could predict.

Current gaming platforms - Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Wii U, New 3DS, PC

Around the Network

10. True
9. NO
8. Hmm maybe, maybe not
7. Nah
6. Nah, 2015 is possible tho
5. Hopes it's a game that's not like Chibi-Robo
4. NO
3. ...
2. I Hope
1. Hell Nah, I like him but I would like for that to happen.

TheLegendaryWolf said:
10.( Though Hyrule Warriors is slated this year but it is just a spinoff)
9. No.
8. 50/50 chance.
7. Bound to happen sometime.
6. Probably not till 2015.
5. 50/50 chance as well
4. No
3. Maybe a $250 Wii U Basic bundled with one game.
2. Hopefully.
1. Most likely not.

Sums up my thoughts perfectly.

I just want to know what happened with this

They were supposed to offer cloud storage for save games somewhat in 2013.

10: or will it?
9: lol no
8: void
7: lol no
6: sure
5: sure
4: lol no
3: true dat
2: sure
1: hopefully not

My own predictions
10: mario party wii u announced
9: luigi's mansion wii u announced
8: 3DS remodel
7: Wii U gamepad remodel that also is a 2DS
6: wii U price cut
5: 3DS price cut
4: another 3rd party spinoff of a first party ip announced
3: steel divers f2p flops
2: they miss their 9 million sales target
1: reggie in smash

nero said:
I just want to know what happened with this

They were supposed to offer cloud storage for save games somewhat in 2013.

Yeah, and whatever happened to Flipnote Studios 3D in NA?  Is it dead due to people targetting underage kids?