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Forums - Sales Discussion - PS4 has already outdone Wii's launch holiday by almost 500k (with 1.5 weeks to go)

DélioPT said:
Madword said:
DélioPT said:
Wii`s success was largely unexpected while PS4`s isn`t.
Sony anticipated the demand and prepared itself for it, Nintendo didn`t - for a long time.

Still not convinced that the PS4 can do as well as the wii though, that product was definately a magnet... just dragged everyone in. I had never purchased a nintendo product until the Wii, and I got it day 1. Though I think the Ps4 is riding the wave of such a long cycle this time, so I think it will do well, but would expect sales to start going below the wii easily by april. Though I expect the Ps4 to have much longer legs (and support) than the wii and will pass 100m.

I think the biggest reason for both PS4 and XB1 record sales is, as you said: riding on the backs of a very lengthy cycle.
Will it do Wii numbers? At first, no. Will it surpass it? It has that potential. The question is how far this new generation will last. Honestly i don`t see it lasting more than 5 years (as to remain competitive with other gaming devices).
So, in that case, PS4 will fight to reach those numbers.
More, MS won`t just sit and let PS4 have it`s way. And Wii U will surely gain momentum in 2014 and keep it until the end of the generation.

In the days of PS1 and PS2, Sony basically had no serious competition except for the N64 and even then, it wasn`t a big competitor. Sony doesn`t have that mindshare it used to have.

That's exactly what I was saying in my post, so agreed.  PS4 total sales depends on PS5 (and others).