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Forums - Sales Discussion - I gotta ask though, since no one seems to be minding...

Jandre002 said:
ClaudeLv250 said:

Jandre002 said:
ClaudeLv250 said:
You're free to start your own site. You can call it NPDchartz and it will consist of just NPD numbers everyone already knows since you seem to be under the impression that they are the only correct source.
Geeze, someone didnt get any play on V-day. I never said I didn't belive VG, but NPD seems to be the more trusted source. The differences between Vg and NPD/Charttrack seem to be larger than usual.
Haha just wondering, how old are you Claude? I just get this image of a 35 year old man at a low paying desk job with no wife and kids, always angry at the world. Your still my hero though.

I think I'm supposed to be offended, but then I remembered that you were a twelve year old who didn't take his meds today so the fact that it only took you 20 minutes to stop spazzing out and screaming at the numbers to think up that reply is probably something you should be commended on. Good boy! Nice Jandre! Who wants some medication? You do because you're a good boy!

Oh, what am I talking about.

Fits your situation in so many ways.


Aww Claude left me a response! I guess you could refer to lunchtime as "meds", nothing calms the raging 12 year old boy inside me quite like a happy meal from McDonalds..

Right and me asking why there was a huge difference between the numbers means im whining? It was a question directed at people who wait every week and reference this site as fact. Im not complaining, I asked if it was going to be corrected, as the last NPD was not.

"OMG OMG OMG VGCHARTZ IS BIASED!!!" No, I didnt. It has been drastically wrong twice in a week, so I was tyring to see if anyone had an explanation. Also, with things like this happening no one would take this site seriously anymore. Thats something I think even ioi knows, and I defend this site all the time. So on the actual site, I asked the regulars a question.


Oh god shut up, lol. Do any of your crybaby angry guy posts ever have relevance? It was a question, with a tad bit of fanboyism. This whole site is for fun, lighten up Claude. Who knows, maybe upon removing that stick you can get that corner office job you've had your eye on for 15 years.

Would both of you please just drop this petty argument and stop derailing the thread.



There are a crapload of issues going around right now on the month of january.  While it is easy to get used to the hardware data being spot on you have to accept that occasionally we are going to get bit by the law of averages and #s will be off by a fair just so happens that this time has a lot to do with a very oddball month of the data and even NPD is admitting they were cought off in short cut some slack and give it some time...all will be well soon enough....

Just don't expect ioi to change the data as a kneejerk reaction.  If he just changes the #'s every time he feels like it might be a bit low all he is doing is injecting subjective influences into the process. By only making changes based on objective data recieved through sound sampling techniques and/or sources that are verifiably correct (ie Corporate shipment #'s) he keeps the numbers themselves as objective as possible.  Which should be exactly what everyone wants.

To Each Man, Responsibility
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NPD is the usually the source for other gaming organizations because large amounts of money is pumped in their direction to spit out results for the video game industry to call accurate (or at least close to), the idea behind spending for their figures is they are accountable for gross negligent errors.

VGChartz on the other hand is NOT an industry driven stats collector but rather an amateur group (albeit a great amateur group) who have the understanding in statistical theory to throw out numbers that are on par with the so called-industry approved NPD.

There's a reason why people don't trust the numbers in this place

people have to get it through their heads that all sales numbers are estimates.  They are educated estimates based on the available data from retailers.  The only bang on accurate numbers are the shipped figures from the actual companies themselves.

zerosaurus said:

NPD is the usually the source for other gaming organizations because large amounts of money is pumped in their direction to spit out results for the video game industry to call accurate (or at least close to), the idea behind spending for their figures is they are accountable for gross negligent errors.

VGChartz on the other hand is NOT an industry driven stats collector but rather an amateur group (albeit a great amateur group) who have the understanding in statistical theory to throw out numbers that are on par with the so called-industry approved NPD.

Group? I wouldn't call ioi a group. But if you want to think VGC outside the sales numbers, then yes, definately a group. @x-man: And that would be?

Ei Kiinasti.

Eikä Japanisti.

Vaan pannaan jalalla koreasti.


Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo system.

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I know this site gets a lot of bad mouthing on the internet but I've found it to be quite accurate when the official numbers finally surfaced but this situation is a total joke. I was expecting the US Jan numbers to be updated after the NPD's were released but the fact that they haven't been means this site loses all credibility to me.

Anyone who says this site is shit just has to point people in the direction of the 2 sets of sales stats in order to have hard evidence backing them up.

bdbdbd said:
zerosaurus said:

NPD is the usually the source for other gaming organizations because large amounts of money is pumped in their direction to spit out results for the video game industry to call accurate (or at least close to), the idea behind spending for their figures is they are accountable for gross negligent errors.

VGChartz on the other hand is NOT an industry driven stats collector but rather an amateur group (albeit a great amateur group) who have the understanding in statistical theory to throw out numbers that are on par with the so called-industry approved NPD.


Group? I wouldn't call ioi a group. But if you want to think VGC outside the sales numbers, then yes, definately a group. @x-man: And that would be?

I have a hard time believing ioi acts alone. Though if that is true.... tremendous KUDOS!


Why should VGchartz update its data with data collected from another group that uses a different methodology? The VGchartz data was collected in a certain manner and presented. History charts allow members to notice trends. Changing data just to meet some other "credible" source would skew and distort trends observed here. A reall bad idea!

If anything I would be dissappointed if these figures were updated with NPDs numbers, just to mantain uniformity with the so-called leading source. 

@Zerosaurus: Actually VGChartz uses the same methods as any other who estimates sales. Including NPD.

@Viewsonic: Don't you think you're jumping the gun a bit too early. There are few things to consider:
1. This site used to use NPD numbers, but NPD threatened VGC with a sue, so VGC had to drop the NPD numbers and collect its own. So, i think you understand why VGC doesn't jump everytime NPD says so. THAT situation would be a joke. Besides, VGC doesn't even try to match NPD 1:1.
2. VGChartz likes to collect it's own data, even that it sometimes is off a bit from others data, it's still the only way to get this site trusted on it's own. I remind you that VGC isn't very old yet.
3. When ioi adjusts his data, he doesn't just "adjust it", he want's to find out what went wrong and make the adjustment after he knows what to adjust. After all, it's not just the frontpage data that gets adjusted, it's the history too. And since ioi (quoted in this thread) said, that PS3 sales came as a total surprise, expect ioi having a lot of work to do before he makes the adjustment.
4. Backtracking was also mentioned in this thread. If VGC would just use others numbers, eventually the numbers would be off, considering the data, where there are no access to "totals".

So a little reasonability and patience. I've personally been on this site long enough to know, that the numbers will be corrected as soon as the numbers are properly analyzed and ioi knows what to fix.

Ei Kiinasti.

Eikä Japanisti.

Vaan pannaan jalalla koreasti.


Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo system.

Jandre002 said:
ClaudeLv250 said:

Jandre002 said:
ClaudeLv250 said:
You're free to start your own site. You can call it NPDchartz and it will consist of just NPD numbers everyone already knows since you seem to be under the impression that they are the only correct source.
Geeze, someone didnt get any play on V-day. I never said I didn't belive VG, but NPD seems to be the more trusted source. The differences between Vg and NPD/Charttrack seem to be larger than usual.
Haha just wondering, how old are you Claude? I just get this image of a 35 year old man at a low paying desk job with no wife and kids, always angry at the world. Your still my hero though.

I think I'm supposed to be offended, but then I remembered that you were a twelve year old who didn't take his meds today so the fact that it only took you 20 minutes to stop spazzing out and screaming at the numbers to think up that reply is probably something you should be commended on. Good boy! Nice Jandre! Who wants some medication? You do because you're a good boy!

Oh, what am I talking about.

Fits your situation in so many ways.


Aww Claude left me a response! I guess you could refer to lunchtime as "meds", nothing calms the raging 12 year old boy inside me quite like a happy meal from McDonalds..

Right and me asking why there was a huge difference between the numbers means im whining? It was a question directed at people who wait every week and reference this site as fact. Im not complaining, I asked if it was going to be corrected, as the last NPD was not.

"OMG OMG OMG VGCHARTZ IS BIASED!!!" No, I didnt. It has been drastically wrong twice in a week, so I was tyring to see if anyone had an explanation. Also, with things like this happening no one would take this site seriously anymore. Thats something I think even ioi knows, and I defend this site all the time. So on the actual site, I asked the regulars a question.


Oh god shut up, lol. Do any of your crybaby angry guy posts ever have relevance? It was a question, with a tad bit of fanboyism. This whole site is for fun, lighten up Claude. Who knows, maybe upon removing that stick you can get that corner office job you've had your eye on for 15 years.

You start your thread off with "what the hell is up with vgchartz!?" and "is there an issue!?" Take a look around, there's already about 3 threads covering the NPD numbers, all of which have about 2-3 people intensely focused on bitching about how off the numbers are and how ioi isn't adjusting them fast enough to please them, and you think you're not adding to the problem by jumping in with the whining? This isn't even including people like solidar's sockpuppets who are just spamming shit up, X-man with his diomedes-esque sideswipe at VGC numbers (yet continues to post here for whatever reason) and whatever prick signed up just to flame ioi for having the audacity to undertrack the PS3 in favor of the 360 (WTF).

ioi and the source have replied multiple times to all of these threads and are most likely reacting to the NPD numbers, but in all this chaos you really don't see the problem in making a 4th or 5th thread questioning VGC about the same damn thing? And then you fill your own thread with bullshit replies in all caps mangifying just how incapable your toddler brain is with pisspoor 'jokes' that somehow revolve around "lol old people" like the preteen tool that you are, screaming for attention as if all of his shitty threads weren't already moronic meltdowns waiting to happen every single time? All of this because you can't handle the fact that yourthread and all of your posts are simply, and utterly redundant? Then how abotu this: you shut up. You shut the hell up and you never open your mouth again, or I'll fart right in it. But considering all the bullshit coming out of it, you should be used to that anyway, shouldn't you?


Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"