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Jandre002 said:
ClaudeLv250 said:

Jandre002 said:
ClaudeLv250 said:
You're free to start your own site. You can call it NPDchartz and it will consist of just NPD numbers everyone already knows since you seem to be under the impression that they are the only correct source.
Geeze, someone didnt get any play on V-day. I never said I didn't belive VG, but NPD seems to be the more trusted source. The differences between Vg and NPD/Charttrack seem to be larger than usual.
Haha just wondering, how old are you Claude? I just get this image of a 35 year old man at a low paying desk job with no wife and kids, always angry at the world. Your still my hero though.

I think I'm supposed to be offended, but then I remembered that you were a twelve year old who didn't take his meds today so the fact that it only took you 20 minutes to stop spazzing out and screaming at the numbers to think up that reply is probably something you should be commended on. Good boy! Nice Jandre! Who wants some medication? You do because you're a good boy!

Oh, what am I talking about.

Fits your situation in so many ways.


Aww Claude left me a response! I guess you could refer to lunchtime as "meds", nothing calms the raging 12 year old boy inside me quite like a happy meal from McDonalds..

Right and me asking why there was a huge difference between the numbers means im whining? It was a question directed at people who wait every week and reference this site as fact. Im not complaining, I asked if it was going to be corrected, as the last NPD was not.

"OMG OMG OMG VGCHARTZ IS BIASED!!!" No, I didnt. It has been drastically wrong twice in a week, so I was tyring to see if anyone had an explanation. Also, with things like this happening no one would take this site seriously anymore. Thats something I think even ioi knows, and I defend this site all the time. So on the actual site, I asked the regulars a question.


Oh god shut up, lol. Do any of your crybaby angry guy posts ever have relevance? It was a question, with a tad bit of fanboyism. This whole site is for fun, lighten up Claude. Who knows, maybe upon removing that stick you can get that corner office job you've had your eye on for 15 years.

Would both of you please just drop this petty argument and stop derailing the thread.



There are a crapload of issues going around right now on the month of january.  While it is easy to get used to the hardware data being spot on you have to accept that occasionally we are going to get bit by the law of averages and #s will be off by a fair just so happens that this time has a lot to do with a very oddball month of the data and even NPD is admitting they were cought off in short cut some slack and give it some time...all will be well soon enough....

Just don't expect ioi to change the data as a kneejerk reaction.  If he just changes the #'s every time he feels like it might be a bit low all he is doing is injecting subjective influences into the process. By only making changes based on objective data recieved through sound sampling techniques and/or sources that are verifiably correct (ie Corporate shipment #'s) he keeps the numbers themselves as objective as possible.  Which should be exactly what everyone wants.

To Each Man, Responsibility