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Forums - Sales Discussion - I gotta ask though, since no one seems to be minding...

Like I said, a bit a patience and restraint. Monthly NPD numbers aren't the end all be all. For example, the monthly NPD numbers on SMG are way off, but the LTD numbers are almost in perfect correlation. Just taking one months figures as the ultimate authority may not be the most rational approach.

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ClaudeLv250 said:
You're free to start your own site. You can call it NPDchartz and it will consist of just NPD numbers everyone already knows since you seem to be under the impression that they are the only correct source.
Geeze, someone didnt get any play on V-day. I never said I didn't belive VG, but NPD seems to be the more trusted source. The differences between Vg and NPD/Charttrack seem to be larger than usual.
-Edited by mod 

I don´t understand the complaints.

Of course things will go up and down you can´t forsee everything that happens on the market unless you have every retailer reporting to you and that´s just impossible.

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Now the world is weird  and people take Prozac  to make it normal.

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Jandre002 has been attacking the numbers at every chance, not just by saying they're undertracked but also implying that there's an anti PS3 bias in them (I can provide quotes).

Why don't you just have a little bit of patience, and give a chance for the numbers to be corrected? Do you think ioi has nothing else to do? The NPD numbers were just released!

What a drama queen...

My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

I understand there will be differences, but having the PS3 dead last while NPD has it in second is a bit odd.

Maybe VGChartz('s?) method of gathering sales only works with consistent supply? If you have 2-3% of stores, yet a region or area you dont have a sample of has many less consoles than the sample area you do, its possible to overtrack right?

Supply issues makes it difficult for smaller samples to represent with high accuracy, because demand in one area doesnt have the supply to balance in another area.

Im not saying VGChartz is biased, but it seems lately there have been some issues when comparing to companies with a larger sample of the market as a whole. But it seems as of right now either NPD/Charttrack or VGChartz is not reliable.

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I could really careless about when ioi updates the numbers if they turn out to be true. What gets me is the pathetic excuses from MS's side and all the Xbots claiming shortages.

FishyJoe said:
Like I said, a bit a patience and restraint. Monthly NPD numbers aren't the end all be all. For example, the monthly NPD numbers on SMG are way off, but the LTD numbers are almost in perfect correlation. Just taking one months figures as the ultimate authority may not be the most rational approach.

 I read somewhere that the NPD numbers for the 360 total are a lot lower than VGC, is this true?

Once again, I think the fact that we have the PS3 being outsold by the 360 every week in the US must be off, if the NPD says the PS3 won

NJ5 said:
Jandre002 has been attacking the numbers at every chance, not just by saying they're undertracked but also implying that there's an anti PS3 bias in them (I can provide quotes).

Why don't you just have a little bit of patience, and give a chance for the numbers to be corrected? Do you think ioi has nothing else to do? The NPD numbers were just released!

What a drama queen...

Haha Ok NJ5, lets see them. If I state past patterns that have been shown by numbers its facts. I dont think ioi is biased against the PS3, but there are assumptions and opinions that go into the numbers, such as how many are shipped, sell through, demand.

But show me, I'd love to see it.

Exactly, the numbers are off somewhere, and its twice within a week another sales tracker, with a larger sample, has said that the PS3 is actually outselling the 360 where VGChartz says the opposite. It happens, and this site is free so its understandable.

Its just in most cases there isnt a huge difference between sales. If you are analyzing data after the 360 has been beating PS3 since launch and you see that the opposite is true, you probably ignore that as anomaly. I understand that, and supply issues may have thrown off data as well.

VGC goes with the data it gets.  Trying to scale it based on perceptions of how the rest of the market performed would lead to even more accusations of bias.  Long term, VGC has enough data coverage to regress toward actual totals sold, even if monthly steps toward that total are different sizes than NPD, MC, Famitsu, Chart Track or whoever.

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