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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Do you (like to) beat your games 100%: Or "Are you hardcore enough?"

I strive to, especially with the 360's achievements.
Right now, I have 3 games with 1000/1000.
If these games didn't have achievements, I probably wouldn't have played them so much! :)
But hey! atleast my gamerscore goes up!


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I'm currently trying to get a 100% record with LoZ:TP.

So far, I have:
44/45 Pieces of Heart
44/60 Poes killed
Giant Wallet (done)
Giant Quiver (done)
3 Bomb Bags (done)
3 Bottles (done)
Beaten the Cave of Ordeals (done)

The only thing I'd not bother with would be to hunt down all the Poes. (It's tedious and the reward isn't worth it). Had I known the reward (a new type of potion that is only a little better than the blue potion) in advance, I'd not bother with the Cave of Ordeals either!

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yes in most cases. Metriod Prime 1-3, Super Mario Galaxy, Super Mario 64, Metroid Fusion, Ocarina of Time, Majoras Mask, Twilight Princess all 100%. Games like Advance Wars: Dual Strike where you have to play for ages to get all 300 gold medals or the weopon medals in Resistance Fall of Man are a bit much for me.

PSN ID: Sol_Protege     Wii:154209933064989 

Soriku said:
Onyxmeth said:

Soriku, I wouldn't play Disgaea in your case. Any man capable of 100%ing Disgaea is a champion.

And no, I don't beat games 100% ever. I finish maybe 20% of the games I buy. Especially when I rummage through the used bins during a buy 2 get 1 free sale at Gamestop. I'll buy games I play maybe once and never touch again.

I've never played a Disgaea before (would like to get in the series, though). Why do you say that?

 Well, I am one of quite a few that 100% the first Disgaea and it easily surpasses the 150-175+ hour mark. Specially when it comes to leveling up all the games equipment... if you like to go that far.

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Final Fantasy VI (iOS), Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (iOS) & Dragon Quest V (iOS)     


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i try to get 100% in games, usually when ive missed somthing it pains me to start over, but thats the thrill of the game. If at first you don't succeed, Try, try again.

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I try to beat the games that I play but have little sucess doing it...

I tend to only beat Pokemon games.

I'm OCD so yeah, I pretty much accomplish 100% of any game I own. It makes the games last even longer so it's really a good thing.

This will only take a moment of your time. *steals your watch*

I normally always try to beat them for 100% but the last years (when I started working) I didn't had the time anymore to beat every game for 100%

I usually beat them 100% and then don't play them again for years, however if a lot of big games come out, like most holidays, there are always one or two games, usually the less interesting of the big games, that I just can't get all the way through so they are in completion limbo.

choirsoftheeye said:
*~Onna76~* said:

I like to finish games 100% but there's also the question "will I be able to". Perhaps too difficult or impossible, like I missed a dungeon in DQVIII which made me then impossible to finish it entirely. Most RPG's you're not even sure if you have finished it for the 100%.

@Choir... eh.. you mean red coins, right?

 No, I mean blue coins...  You know the ones that you get a Shine for every 10 you find anywhere in any level?  So annoying.

Ah stupid me, completely forgot about those. Yes I know which one you mean, the ones that makes you save the game after you found one again. Indeed annoying as you have "no" clue of where they can be.

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