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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Nintendo deserves the low sales of Wii U

OooSnap said:

I am a fan of Nintendo but they deserve the low sales of Wii U. What were they thinking believing a touchscreen on a controller would bring back the masses for the Wii successor? Nintendo should have been bold with another revolution by going AR Glasses gaming. This is the obvious (to me) next step in moving gaming forward.

Imagine wearing the AR glasses playing a Wii tennis game where the tennis ball coming towards you 'jumps' out of the screen onto the floor of your living room and hitting the ball more realistically with the Wii remote as it approaches you? Or imagine playing a Metroid prime game where the HUD is outside of the TV screen and head tracking for with minor head movements for more accurate and quick viewing?

Nintendo missed the boat by revolutionizing gaming again but played it safe and that's why the 100 million Wii owners won't come back for a second round. A touchscreen on a gamepad is not innovative, creative, fresh, nor exciting. Nintendo needs to really think outside of the box for their next console to get another stampede like at E3 2006 for the Wii. I wouldn't doubt they are considering AR glasses for their next console.

It would be something like this but with conjunction with the TV + Wii remote and nunchuck (SpaceGlasses) and (CastAR Augmented Reality Glasses) and

I think a while back Miyamoto said he wanted a video game to fill a whole room. This is something that can realize his vision. It could look something like this The "prototype" is probably not real but something like that is feasible.

Too expensive? They could have just reused the Wii hardware to get it under $450. At least this hypothetical console would have sold more than Wii U.


I like playing my games on a screen. Not wearing a fucking headset or silly glasses. Try again.

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Metroid33slayer said:
Trading powerful hardware for a bulky touch screen controller was a terrible error. I think they should have kept the wii mote and nunchuk as the default controller, made the hardware as powerful as possible for a $300 console without making big losses and called the console wii 2.

While i wouldn't like this, it would be a much smarter business decision than the wiiU.

I don't think it's anything to do with the gamepad. This is all based on hindsight. Before the launch fans and developers were all talking it up. With or without the gamepad the sales would have been the same.

People blaming the gamepad are looking a bit too deeply for excuses. What was the excuse for the Gamecube sales? No DVD playback was the major one around my town.

The wii u's problem is a combination of hardware and software. Nothing new to grab the attention like the wiimote. No graphics to make you go wow with "realistic" games. No new games to offer a different experience.

The negativity about it being not as powerful as the x360 should have never been allowed in the first place by making the specs far more enticing even if not quite PS4. Why even mention core gamers if you are going to make it that weak? Also most people are not going to pay good money on old technology without some major innovation as they did with the wii.

What causal is going to want an even more completed than usual gamepad after giving them simplicity with the wiimote?

For me they deserve what they are getting because they had absolutely no idea what they wanted to achieve with the console. Maybe they did know what they wanted to achieve, it's just no one else does.

Metroid33slayer said:
Trading powerful hardware for a bulky touch screen controller was a terrible error. I think they should have kept the wii mote and nunchuk as the default controller, made the hardware as powerful as possible for a $300 console without making big losses and called the console wii 2.

I would have gone with something similar but with a redesigned controls. Some kind of controller which bridged the gap between the remote & nunchuk and the bog standard gamepad.  

NeoRatt said:
No totally new exclusive IPs, no achievements/trophies, no solid online gaming network, no blu-ray playback, small amount of storage, marginally better processor/GPU then 360/PS3 = No reason to purchase.

The Wii U is just disappointing.

The Wonderful 101 is the best new IP in the past 10 years, including The Last of Us

Achievements have not been ruled out and the first implimentation was through Miiverse

The online is solid

I never used a blu-ray disk so i don't give a damn

The CPU is way better than 360 and PS3

The GPU is amazing and the fact that at 33 watts it surpassed PS3/360 and the WiiU has now been revealed to use 67 watts the GPU is great (Minimum 650GFLOPS or so)

The storage is expandable and being SSD means that there are no slowdowns unlike with XB1 which slows down after using a lot of storage because of the 3 OSs and the fact that it's an HDD

bet with ash3336 he wins if Super Mario 3D World sells less than Mario Sunshine during the first three years, I win if 3D World outsells Sunshine's first 3 years. Loser get sig controlled for 3 months (punishment might change)

Do you doubt the WiiU? Do you believe that it won't match the GC?

Then come and accept this bet

Nintendo eShop USA sales ranking 2/12/2013 :

Around the Network
OooSnap said:

Too expensive? They could have just reused the Wii hardware to get it under $450. At least this hypothetical console would have sold more than Wii U.

Thankfully you're not in charge at Nintendo. Releasing a $450 console with the technology found in the Wii would've been catostrophic. 

yeah they need a powerful machine!

because ps4 and xbox one has it! so nintendo should have it too....


wii was a once in a life time (25years according to the justice system) perfect storm, they got the right gimmick at the right time, I don't think Nintendo would have been able to do anything to match the success of the wii gimmick wise.

Bet reminder: I bet with Tboned51 that Splatoon won't reach the 1 million shipped mark by the end of 2015. I win if he loses and I lose if I lost.

OooSnap said:

I am a fan of Nintendo but they deserve the low sales of Wii U. What were they thinking believing a touchscreen on a controller would bring back the masses for the Wii successor? Nintendo should have been bold with another revolution by going AR Glasses gaming. This is the obvious (to me) next step in moving gaming forward.

Imagine wearing the AR glasses playing a Wii tennis game where the tennis ball coming towards you 'jumps' out of the screen onto the floor of your living room and hitting the ball more realistically with the Wii remote as it approaches you? Or imagine playing a Metroid prime game where the HUD is outside of the TV screen and head tracking for with minor head movements for more accurate and quick viewing?

Nintendo missed the boat by revolutionizing gaming again but played it safe and that's why the 100 million Wii owners won't come back for a second round. A touchscreen on a gamepad is not innovative, creative, fresh, nor exciting. Nintendo needs to really think outside of the box for their next console to get another stampede like at E3 2006 for the Wii. I wouldn't doubt they are considering AR glasses for their next console.

It would be something like this but with conjunction with the TV + Wii remote and nunchuck (SpaceGlasses) and (CastAR Augmented Reality Glasses) and

I think a while back Miyamoto said he wanted a video game to fill a whole room. This is something that can realize his vision. It could look something like this The "prototype" is probably not real but something like that is feasible.

Too expensive? They could have just reused the Wii hardware to get it under $450. At least this hypothetical console would have sold more than Wii U.

Honestly, I think the tablet is a pretty good idea.   The bigger evil is third party companies continuing the trend of the Wii, and failing to release all of the DLC for major third party games.    Call of Duty Black Ops II had LOCAL 2 player full screen play, however they totally butchered the game by failing to release DLC.

Furthermore, the tablet is OPTIONAL, most games can be played the traditional way, with a controller.   The gamepad is more for a second screen or inventory management.    A lot of games have utilized it very well.

Super Mario 3D World is still doing very well.   If it maintains in the Top 10, let alone Top 20 after 10 weeks, it will be a serious contender.

The big Wii U games are not out yet, Super Mario 3D World is a start, if the new Zelda, Metroid?, Donkey Kong, Mario Kart and Smash Bros Brawl series however, continue this trend, then no, they are in trouble.

Of course, the Wii U is on a slow trend compared to the Xbox One, and PS4, but in my eyes, what made the Wii U so successful last gen, they were NOT like Sony or Microsoft, they offered far more quality first party titles.   It was also seen as the Kid's system to have.    The Wii U has not sold people on that idea, and that's a good thing, it's meant for everyone.

Is the Wii U a failure?   Far from it, until the Vita outsells it constantly ever week, it's doing OK.


PSN:   BShornock, Wii U:  Hollywood_Shono, Xbox 360:  BShornock, Email:, Steam:  BShornock

DevilRising said:
OooSnap said:

I am a fan of Nintendo but they deserve the low sales of Wii U. What were they thinking believing a touchscreen on a controller would bring back the masses for the Wii successor? Nintendo should have been bold with another revolution by going AR Glasses gaming. This is the obvious (to me) next step in moving gaming forward.

Imagine wearing the AR glasses playing a Wii tennis game where the tennis ball coming towards you 'jumps' out of the screen onto the floor of your living room and hitting the ball more realistically with the Wii remote as it approaches you? Or imagine playing a Metroid prime game where the HUD is outside of the TV screen and head tracking for with minor head movements for more accurate and quick viewing?

Nintendo missed the boat by revolutionizing gaming again but played it safe and that's why the 100 million Wii owners won't come back for a second round. A touchscreen on a gamepad is not innovative, creative, fresh, nor exciting. Nintendo needs to really think outside of the box for their next console to get another stampede like at E3 2006 for the Wii. I wouldn't doubt they are considering AR glasses for their next console.

It would be something like this but with conjunction with the TV + Wii remote and nunchuck (SpaceGlasses) and (CastAR Augmented Reality Glasses) and

I think a while back Miyamoto said he wanted a video game to fill a whole room. This is something that can realize his vision. It could look something like this The "prototype" is probably not real but something like that is feasible.

Too expensive? They could have just reused the Wii hardware to get it under $450. At least this hypothetical console would have sold more than Wii U.


I like playing my games on a screen. Not wearing a fucking headset or silly glasses. Try again.

Did you hate the Wiimote too? With it Nintendo removed a barrier between the player and the game: the controller. The obvious second barrier to remove is the screen. Instead they put back the controller and added an unnecessary extra screen. No wonder the Wii audience rejected it.

OP: You are dead on. A small upgrade in power with most of the cost put into the headset and sensor bar for tracking would have been a true Wii successor. Instead they have handed this strategy to Sony and MS.

PSN: Osc89

NNID: Oscar89