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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why is the XBONE innovative while the PS4 is just better graphics?


Am I right?

Yes 92 21.50%
No 202 47.20%
Wii U is the real next-gen system 98 22.90%
See results 36 8.41%
XxGame4lifexX said:
Muffin31190 said:

Excepet I just proved you wrong with all of those features "Not" being Innovative, as innovation was the main point of this thread.

You didn't provide proof. You simply said you could. 


I guess you just don't know how to PC then otherwise we wouldnt be discussing this :/ ...

Around the Network
Sevengen said:

Merriam-Webster defines innovative as; a new idea, device, or method.
the Oxford dictionary defines innovative as; featuring new methods;

Thanks for proving our point.

When people will understand the fact that innovation must not come from the game console but from the games in priority, we will have made a big step forward .

Sony studios are the best when it comes to innovation ;)

I cant wait to see what they'll be able to do with so much power ( and yes, power+ talented developers help innovation )




Wii U and Xbone are good examples of this, the kinect/gamepad is an optionnal tool  in most of the games, bringing no innovation, it's not like the wiimote.

Predictions for end of 2014 HW sales:

 PS4: 17m   XB1: 10m    WiiU: 10m   Vita: 10m


Muffin31190 said:
XxGame4lifexX said:
Muffin31190 said:

Excepet I just proved you wrong with all of those features "Not" being Innovative, as innovation was the main point of this thread.

You didn't provide proof. You simply said you could. 


I guess you just don't know how to PC then otherwise we wouldnt be discussing this :/ ...

You can't just say you can do something without providing evidence to back your statement. You wouldn't have quoted me in the first place if you didnt have anything to backup your statement. 

Did you know ps4 only supports a 2.4 wireless signal?

The xbox one supports a wireless adapter capable of 2.4 - 5.0ghz.

The ONLY next gen console to do so. 

I think the most innovative is the WiiU and the PS4 is the least. Its not a bad thing, but I just don't find those extra features on the PS4 useful. Maybe Gaikai will impress me. On the Xbox One I only like the multi tasking feature.


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

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XxGame4lifexX said:
Muffin31190 said:
XxGame4lifexX said:
Muffin31190 said:

Excepet I just proved you wrong with all of those features "Not" being Innovative, as innovation was the main point of this thread.

You didn't provide proof. You simply said you could. 


I guess you just don't know how to PC then otherwise we wouldnt be discussing this :/ ...

You can't just say you can do something without providing evidence to back your statement. You wouldn't have quoted me in the first place if you didnt have anything to backup your statement. 

Again have you never used a PC, or did you miss the whole part where you can use windows for different programs such as gaming and skype ... at the same time on the same screen. Also tv's have been doing this for quite a while also by showing two screens at once it's called Picture in Picture. And all of the talking functions the XB one has I have on my smartphone. So none of these fuctions are innovative, and if you can't see past all of these then you need to do a little more research before you make claim's. And then last gen with the Smart glass if it came out last gen how can it possibly be new and innovative this gen, it might have more features but with this gen it is not innovative and not a whole lot this gen is.

Picture in Picture -

History of windows -

The reason the One is more innovative is because all of the things you listed for sony, can be copied like nothing. Just release a patch for almost all of them and they can be added. Microsoft would obviously receive flack if they did this too fast so they are gonna see what is most popular and add as needed.

How about a list of things which can't be copied without changing the hardware (controllers, plugs, ports, buttons, etc are all included as hardware in my definition.)

Aerys said:

When people will understand the fact that innovation must not come from the game console but from the games in priority, we will have made a big step forward .

Sony studios are the best when it comes to innovation ;)

I cant wait to see what they'll be able to do with so much power ( and yes, power+ talented developers help innovation )




Wii U and Xbone are good examples of this, the kinect/gamepad is an optionnal tool  in most of the games, bringing no innovation, it's not like the wiimote.

Thread is done, the man talked

Predictions for end of 2014 HW sales:

 PS4: 17m   XB1: 10m    WiiU: 10m   Vita: 10m


Most of these new functions are useless for me. All I care are the games.

Don't cable providers already have boxes that record tv content ?

u forget PlayGo in PS4. That feature that makes PS3 big flaw ( mandatory, slow instalation ) PS4 big advantage ( much faster than X1 ).