I didn't think I'd say this about a system that sold 700k+ in a month... but. That's pretty disappointing for 3DS.
I didn't think I'd say this about a system that sold 700k+ in a month... but. That's pretty disappointing for 3DS.
Fusioncode said: Wait so if PS4 beat 3DS then why didn't Sony say it was the best selling console of the month? DId the Vita beat it or something? |
We don't know the Vita and Wii U sales... everything can happen yet
Fusioncode said: So PS4 sold one million in one day while XBO sold 900k in 9 days. How exactly was it the fastest console? |
Averaging out [total sales] over [days the console was tracked this month] - sales per day. It's pretty hilarious. If any of the consoles launched on the last day of tracking, they would be 'fastest selling console' by this criteria.
Rough estimates have the 3ds between 755k and 780k. Must admit i was hoping for no less than 900k.
TheSource said: I don't get the quote about this being the best Nov ever for hw. PS3 / PS4 are probably about 1.6m together X360 / X1 are about 1.5m together Wii / Wii U are probably 300k together 3DS / DS are probably 800k together PSP / Vita are probably 100k together That's like 4.3m. But Nov 2011 was 4.8m, and Nov 09, Nov 10 were about 5.0m each, Nov 08 was 5.5m, Nov 07 was also 4.9m. The quote about best month for hw ever must be about hardware revenue rather than hardware sales. |
Wii / Wii U are 1m together confirmed :P
Are you sure about this data? We are atalkign about us only, npd only, not vgchartz exactly.
"Hardware design isn’t about making the most powerful thing you can.
Today most hardware design is left to other companies, but when you make hardware without taking into account the needs of the eventual software developers, you end up with bloated hardware full of pointless excess. From the outset one must consider design from both a hardware and software perspective."
Gunpei Yoko
Anything less than 250k for the WiiU would be a complete disaster.
Sigs are dumb. And so are you!
Is the 3DS number 100% accurate? Because Sony made it seem like it was the best selling.
Fusioncode said: Anything less than 250k for the WiiU would be a complete disaster. |
Well the sales are bad but over 150k
Where are we getting these 3ds numbers?
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