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Forums - Gaming Discussion - How many hours per week do you game?

Maybe 10-15 hours per week, it depends, probably more when I have new games.

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I am Sinistar!
Beware, coward!
I hunger!



 At least 62 million Wii sold by the end of 09 or my mario avatar will get sad
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Im only spending 10 hours of gaming per week so far...

lately (with galaxy and now zack and wiki) 8-10 a week. Usually 90 minutes a day max.

However, I did almost no gaming over the fall if you don't include the time I spent with my vc games (which was still only like 2-3 hours a week).

I never have time to play during the week (although its half-term now!!!) so during term time, I get about 8-10 hours in on Friday evenings, Saturday and Sunday. Although I am playing 2-3 hours a day at the moment (although I played about 20 10 min PES matches today + BP)

Not much maybe 2 hours.

But once Patapon, Flatout, GoW CoO and Crisis Core come out + I get a PS3 I'll be gaming A LOT.

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Um at least 30 hours a week gaming off and on different titles been playing medivel total war 2 and No more heroes plus GHIII recently.

"Like you know"

It varies heavily from week to week, but the average is somewhere around about 20 per. Of that, around 10 hours goes into my DS and PSP (how much varies per week and depends on what I'm in the mood for), and the remaining 10 are split between Wii and PS2 (again, depending on mood; lately I've favored the Wii more). There are weeks where I'll get less than 10 hours in for the week (most of them on DS/PSP), and weeks where I invest well over 40 (those are rare; usually only when I get a new game).

Sky Render - Sanity is for the weak.

about 3 or 4 hours, haven't played this week though. It will probably be more once Smash Bros Brawl comes out.

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I went from good 40+ hours a week last year before summer to about an aveage of about 5 hours a week and less today. My personal goal now is to beat Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn before Brawl comes out.

to those who game more than 30 hours a week:

good god, that's like over 4 hours a day!

that's the equivalent of almost holding a full time job! How do you do it?