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Forums - General Discussion - Fox Attacks Omeletto (lol wtf?)

First off, If you dont know what Omeletto is, its a lewd viral advertising site.



 (I suck at embedding :p sorry)

This is some crazy advertising. I liked the Santa one the most.

PSN ID: Sol_Protege     Wii:154209933064989 

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Those are pretty funny... I don´t know if they should be shown in public but who am I to tell...




NAMBLA sues Omeletto? That HAS to be super imposed...

Any way, typical far right wing thinking free speech is dangerous.
If you don't want to see it, that's really too bad. I don't want to see Nascar, the whole concept of which is offensive to my IQ level, but do I think it should be banned publically? No.

Of course someone will say "but what about the children."

A) If your children are old enough for you to feel that they are capable of handling themselves alone walking down the street in a Major city, than I sure as hell hope that they are old enough (and you have raised them well enough) to put them in perspective, because if they aren't (and you haven't) these billboards are the least of their problems.

B) If they aren't old enough for above, then you will be with them and YOU will be able to put it in to context. Unfortunately parents seem to always want things easier for them. The "Don't show my kid anything that will make for an uncomfortable discussion" mentality.

I am a Gauntlet Adventurer.

I strive to improve my living conditions by hoarding gold, food, and sometimes keys and potions. I love adventure, fighting, and particularly winning - especially when there's a prize at stake. I occasionally get lost inside buildings and can't find the exit. I need food badly. What Video Game Character Are You?

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Cant see anything wroung with that advertising, all of it was amusing and i think was designed to shock more than cause any offence.

those ads were great. aside from the "pussy" ad there isn't really anything that objectionable. it's shocking, it's funny, but it's not inappropriate.

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LOL! That stuff was hilarious!

I can understand the people's concerns, but it seems to me that they have a bigger purpose in mind than simply offending people. I wonder what they're planning.

The BuShA owns all!

I'm the guy that made those ads. I think they were pretty fucking funny. send me an email on myspace and I'll send you some of the clips that didn't get up.

^errr idk if i should consider you advertising or not...

anyways, frankly i don't see anything that wrong. i like the lady saying we are in a n age of political correctness. political correctness went out ages ago.

This is my philosophies so no one bash:

"Equality can be accomplished by learning not to care."

So really looking at those ads and all that I just laugh because so what if its not "Politically Correct" take it in as humor like its meant to be.

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Some of those ads go too far, especially the Santa Clause one. Get a life.

Legend11 said:

Some of those ads go too far, especially the Santa Clause one. Get a life.

 legend, its humor. Pull yourself out of your politically correct box and learn not to care. 

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