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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why is no one complaining about paying for PSN?

PS+ is the reason why I don't mind anymore as I would have bought it anyway as I believe it's good value.

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Simple I don't pay for online multiplayer. :3

Microsoft took a lot of crap about it because it was a brand new idea. People didn't have to pay for online before the 360. Eventually most people got over it, however. A lot of people complained about it last year because Microsoft succeeded with Gold and that meant it would probably spread to the other companies which it did. After Sony announced pay to play online (excluding free to play), it became the industry norm as now 2 companies charge for online and only 1 does not.

Someone brought up a very good point about the microtransactions earlier. At first people were in an outrage because of them, but the outrage is slowly decreasing over time. Eventually, microtransactions will probably be normal for games and people won't fuss about them very much. It's how the world works. Things change and people have to either like it or dislike it but eventually get over it if it does end up staying.

It's because you get alot more for less. Right now, on PS4, I have...what, two free games and another few FTP games to choose from? What does the Xbone have? Then on top of that, you have the fact that on PSN, ONLY multiplayer is behind a pay wall. Netflix, the browser...everything else is free to all users on the console.

PSN is cheaper, and gives gamers higher quality games and more of them. Yes, it sucks to have to pay what what are gamers choices? Wii-U? That's just not going to happen.

Wright said:
Cj2i3 said:

Are you disrespecting Critter Crunch?

Because if you are, you have made a very powerless enemy this day.

Pffff. Magical Drop was much better!

You dare make an absurd claim? 

I shall ruin Dark Souls for you!

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bigd615 said:

Microsoft took a lot of crap about it because it was a brand new idea. People didn't have to pay for online before the 360. Eventually most people got over it, however.

I paid to use Seganet back when the Dreamcast was practically inventing online console games and then I paid for XBL when it came out on the original Xbox. People didn't mind paying for XBL on the 360 because back then, it was so superior that it was worth it.

Areym said:
"Free" games, discounted prices, early access to betas/demos.

I was disappointed that PS+ is now required for online multiplayer but frankly, I got over it. For $50 a year (or $10 a month which is outrageous) you get a good amount of value out of a PS+ subscription, more than just multiplayer access. I am also not a big multiplayer player so I can survive dropping PS+ for a long time if I need to/want to.

I was one of the people banking on MS for charging online, now I got nothing to say. I probably should have kept my mouth shut but in the end, PS+ adds alot of value to my PS4, PS3 and PSVita (soon to come)

Respect. You have a great service on PS+ if you like it.

But I can't live without soccer. ESPN  app provides me with too much fun.

I'm not complaining about it but it puts me off ever owning a Sony system. One lost customer doesn't bother them though when they make a lot more ripping off their existing fan base.

And come on you know why people aren't complaining about it. The majority of people complaining about paying for Live were Sony fans looking to score cheap points.

because the benefits significantly outweigh the small costs, in other words its great value for money

Yeah Xbox Live has been around for almost 12 years, not sure why people STILL complain about it.