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Forums - General Discussion - Things that Annoy/Piss you off! >:/

Kudos about the chavs, hate them.

Other thing I hate too is fat girls who use hip-height jeans/pants. I mean, seriously, it's ok if you feel good with yourself, but you don't have to offend everyones else eyes while doing it. Not all things are for everyone.

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Mistershine said:
I hate those flash adverts for smileys, you know the ones that say Hello when your mouse goes over them.
Here's a message for whoever invented them- If I ever get aids, I'm going to hunt you down and ass rape you, you cunt!

Hahahahahahahahahaha and yeah I fucking hate those smileys as well, makes me wanna smash my screen up.

I hate valentine's day...
And chilli (spicey food), ohhh that one is horrible... kinda hate mexican food too...

By me:

Made with Blender + LuxRender
"Since you can´t understand ... there is no point to taking you seriously."

I can't stand the friggin Dancing advertisements >

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.

I hate it when my parents watch me blatently and stop what they are doing whenever im doing something that could potential cause a tiny bit of mess, ie pouring a glass of water XO

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I got sand in my pants/undies at the beach last night, so I guess you could say I hate that >:(

@ mistershine
don't get me started on the smilies. I had the volume on 100 yesterday and accidently moved my mouse over one of them. scared the shit outta me.

Thatmax said:
I hate it when my parents watch me blatently and stop what they are doing whenever im doing something that could potential cause a tiny bit of mess, ie pouring a glass of water XO

 OH GOD PEOPLE IN GENERAL THAT DO THAT >< My boss will come up and watch me when I'm talking to my friend about orders in the warehouse, and he'll prop his weight against his leg and just check his watch >< ITS NOT LIKE THATS PRODUCTIVE EITHER JACKASS. I HATE WHEN PEOPLE ASSUME THE WRONG THING.

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.

ChronotriggerJM said:
Thatmax said:
I hate it when my parents watch me blatently and stop what they are doing whenever im doing something that could potential cause a tiny bit of mess, ie pouring a glass of water XO

 OH GOD PEOPLE IN GENERAL THAT DO THAT >< My boss will come up and watch me when I'm talking to my friend about orders in the warehouse, and he'll prop his weight against his leg and just check his watch >< ITS NOT LIKE THATS PRODUCTIVE EITHER JACKASS. I HATE WHEN PEOPLE ASSUME THE WRONG THING.

 yeah and its hard to tell them to stop cos they will just say im just looking at you, why are you being so touchy etc

I strongly dislike Gnats, WTF is the point? All they're there for, is for me to walk into a group of them while talking and get a mouthful of bugs >

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.

Mistershine said:
Chavs are a vermin, and need to be culled as such.

 Second that

I also hate the descendants