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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - As a hardcore Nintendo fan, I demand that Nintendo caters to us

Why a new console, if they can do it the Nintendo way? I mean, they could totally sell a useless accessory (WiiU Hancer) for $100 that enhances the WiiU graphically. Then, they just simply make any game that comes after that unplayable if you don't have that acessory.

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Rol, I'm truly disappointed with you...

How could you not demand achievements on every game?

How could you not demand microtransactions? True gamers love pay to win!

How could you not demand on disc/day one DLC on every major first party title?

How could you not demand DRM on your physical copies so you will be able to play them everywhere?

And the most important thing: how could you not demand a pay wall to even use the remote play on the Wii U Pad? With it Nintendo would be finally able to have to money to implement a true system account!

Those casualz Nintendo gamerz trying to pass as true gamers...

green_sky said:
pokoko said:

You'll always hate me for that, won't you, deep in your heart?  Let's try to work this out, for the sake of the children.

Hate is for those we once loved deeply. For us, it was just a hormonal infatuation and children will be fine. Am however, conserned by your obsession with the guy in red hat though. I can't fully blame you. His clan provided you such sublime pleasures that you had to betray them by jumping ship to the other guys. I mean most won't get it and i don't know either but its atleast poetic. 

Obsession?  I hope you're not serious.

You are being ludicrous. There is an ice cubes chance in hell that Nintendo will ever have a console with comparable graphics to what Sony offers me. They should just go back to the stone age where they came from!

Also, I actually agree with Akvod's points.

Somebody get this baby a bottle. You knew full well what you were buying into and now that you have it, you feel the need to whine and complain on the Internet of all places. You have become a self-parody. Please sell your Wii U because it deserves a better owner. [/thread]

Things that need to die in 2016: Defeatist attitudes of Nintendo fans

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You people and your graphics. I'm a diehard Nintendo fan because they make games that are UNIQUE feeling (gameplay wise). The graphics have been acceptable to me since the gamecube era. I don't need modern day graphics and I certainly don't need anything better looking than the Wii U. I'm very happy Nintendo doesn't make super HD $500 consoles that have no true innovation.

Dulfite said:

You people and your graphics. I'm a diehard Nintendo fan because they make games that are UNIQUE feeling (gameplay wise). The graphics have been acceptable to me since the gamecube era. I don't need modern day graphics and I certainly don't need anything better looking than the Wii U. I'm very happy Nintendo doesn't make super HD $500 consoles that have no true innovation.

What are you talking about? How can you say that graphics aren't innovative?

Are you going to tell me next that the Wii wasn't a fad? Pah!

RolStoppable said:
Dulfite said:

You people and your graphics. I'm a diehard Nintendo fan because they make games that are UNIQUE feeling (gameplay wise). The graphics have been acceptable to me since the gamecube era. I don't need modern day graphics and I certainly don't need anything better looking than the Wii U. I'm very happy Nintendo doesn't make super HD $500 consoles that have no true innovation.

No avatar = no merit to your posts.

Jaded much?

Things that need to die in 2016: Defeatist attitudes of Nintendo fans

pokoko said: Obsession?  I hope you're not serious.

Perhaps not the right word. It is always bit hard to pick right words when communicating metaphorically. Either way i hope you get the sentiment. For someone who called out the bias trolls on this site that almost made you want to leave the website. You sure take enough digs, albeit in a more refined stealthy way. 

Either way am done here since we have gone off topic enough. 

RolStoppable said:
Dulfite said:

You people and your graphics. I'm a diehard Nintendo fan because they make games that are UNIQUE feeling (gameplay wise). The graphics have been acceptable to me since the gamecube era. I don't need modern day graphics and I certainly don't need anything better looking than the Wii U. I'm very happy Nintendo doesn't make super HD $500 consoles that have no true innovation.

No avatar = no merit to your posts.

lol I just haven't gotten around to making an avatar...