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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Is X1 forcing Kinect on us any different than PS3 forcing Bluray on us?



Yea! 301 40.13%
Nay! 447 59.60%
selnor1983 said:

This is hilarious. By your EXTREMELY FLOORED LOGIC TO HIT OUT AT KINECT every product ever made is forcing something on you. Cars, TV's, Toasters, Cups, mugs, Shoes EVERY PRODUCT contains design choices and non-essential additional facet.

Your admiration for all things Sony Playstation and gift for want of not letting go, clouds your reasoning on the subject of Forcing a consumer. There is no such thing as forcing the consumer. The consumer can say no to anything they want.

Times have changed where just a games console or just a mobile phone are the acceptable norm. Last generation touched on this. This generation is easily going to be just as much about non gaming features as it is gaming. Would I buy a games console if a media box wasnt available this generation? Probably. But Id wait. I would not pay that amount of money again for something that is essentially a 360.5. Games Consoles are electronic toys. Not worth £300 +.

I have way more to think about than my gaming habbits of the last 24 years. Ive grown and changed. I have a family. Xbox One fits that far better than Sony could ever have imagined.

Im not gonna cry forcing on Sony part that I have to pay for a controller with half its functionality useless out of the box. Or their decision to nullify the camera entirely by not including it in every box. Thats their product and their choice. You bought it, I didnt. I wont cry about it. Actually a few decisions Sony made with PS4 actually have made me not want one at all. And I did own a PS3.

But Sony didnt force anything. Im happy with the company providing more than a games console, but ( IMO ) the better games also.

"Thats their product and their choice. You bought it, I didnt. I wont cry about it."

When did I ever say I bought a PS4? It costs ~$600 in my country and there's no way in hell I'm spending that much on it before there are worthy games available. I intend to be stinking rich one day, and the way to get there is to not splash out too much. I'll get one next year at some point. Or my friend might get one for free cause he's a game dev.

"Your admiration for all things Sony Playstation and gift for want of not letting go, clouds your reasoning"

Haha. Umm, I owned a Wii and 360 until late 2009 because the PS3 was a shitty console to own at that point. I hardly touched my Wii after a certain point, and the 360 became more and more unused as it offered less and less as the years went by. So right now - YEAH - I would say PS4 FTW and wouldn't recommend anyone buying an Xbox One instead, but that's because of what the respective products offer. I suppose you'd never believe me. Should I post some pics of my Xbox 1 (don't get confused now) collection of 25+ games?

"There is no such thing as forcing the consumer."

I vehemently disagree. Moreover, even if you were right, then, in the context of this thread, you should know what is meant by "forcing".

I read the rest of what you said but I don't think it's in my best interest to respond.

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Blu-rays >DVD's

gooch_destroyer said:
Blu-rays >DVD's

No diggity no doubt.

Was it forced at the time? Ah yeah!

Goatseye said:
gooch_destroyer said:
Blu-rays >DVD's

No diggity no doubt.

Was it forced at the time? Ah yeah!

Well, the picture quaity of the movies are better now. I don't think it was force on us. We can still use DVD's if we want.

gooch_destroyer said:

Well, the picture quaity of the movies are better now. I don't think it was force on us. We can still use DVD's if we want.

Most of the movies for a while were upscaled from DVD quality. It didn't really gain support massively still today.

Most people are going digital.

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Yes it is different. The Kinect is an external non essential peripheral. The Bluray disc drive is integral to putting a disc in and playing a game or watching an HD movie, two things which have pretty much become integral to the console experience these days. Sure Sony could have went with DVD like the 360 but then PS3 owners wouldn't have gotten a kick-ass Bluray player for HD movies (PS3s was arguable the best in the market) and games like MGS4 would have required several discs.

There's a reason why MS and Nintendo have put Bluray players in their latest consoles.

It's apples to oranges.

Goatseye said:
gooch_destroyer said:

Well, the picture quaity of the movies are better now. I don't think it was force on us. We can still use DVD's if we want.

Most of the movies for a while were upscaled from DVD quality. It didn't really gain support massively still today.

Most people are going digital.

I know. I'm using Netflix more than I watch T.V.

But in some cases I would like to have a physical copy.

Weedlab said:

Nay I say. I'm glad Blu was "forced" on us - gaming and non gaming purposes. It would have been a pain to play MGS4 on DVDs. Kinect .... meh.


As a 360 lover (and if you look at my sig, MGS4 was the last game I played!) that pic STILL pisses me off!  

d21lewis said:
Weedlab said:

Nay I say. I'm glad Blu was "forced" on us - gaming and non gaming purposes. It would have been a pain to play MGS4 on DVDs. Kinect .... meh.


As a 360 lover (and if you look at my sig, MGS4 was the last game I played!) that pic STILL pisses me off!  

hahaha! I remember the internet was going crazy over this all those years ago. xD It is quite a gross exaggeration indeed. I'm sure it would have been 2 (3 max). I forgot just how big MGS4 came out to be.


Playstation = The Beast from the East

Sony + Nintendo = WIN! PS3 + PSV + PS4 + Wii U + 3DS

I have registered on this forum just to point how stupid this thread is....
You do release that Kinect as a periferial and Blu Ray as a optical device for media reproduction are TOTALLY different products.
Plus How is PS3 forcing Blue Ray on us. i guess you understand how technology progress over time.
Whos to blame for switching CRT to LCD TVs
Open question to OP: Who forced me to buy 42" LCD TV? Was is Sony or Microsoft?