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Forums - General Discussion - Worst Hockey Accident Ever

I was searching the web and saw this really horrific video posted today. Warning this video is graphic so viewer discretion



Anyways, I would like to know what your take on the video, and what other videos of sport accidents that you think is interesting


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wow. And someone this week got his throat cut as well in a match by his own team mate.

Shows how dangerous ice skates are.



Yea hockey players sharpen their skates fairly often I believe. I want to say before every game, but im not sure.

That video is graphic as hell. Did he survive?

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This video is very old, it's pretty intense but ay?

Wonder if he lived, he was losing blood fast.

O_O OMG you make my night painful!!!I don't want to see this kind of accidents but I can resist,damn my morbidity!

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He did live AoA, well according to the comments on Youtube:

"The first trainer that came to his aid, saved his life and had to keep his finger[s] on his throat until he arrived at the hospital. A hero no matter what. "

"Yes he survived. He spent 1 day in the hospital and was back in practice 4 days after this happened. "

"u se that man rushing to him with cloth on his neck?
that man saved his life ... he kept cut closed until medics came and they all said he was the reason he still lived on "

And my favourite:

"It did cut his jugular. fortunately the team doctor was a medic in Vietnam and he actually pinched the jugular together. Had he not had that experience, our goaltender prolly would have died. He later said that he skated off the ice just so his mother wouldn't watch him die on TV. What a badass. "

wow i hope he is OK dame that was bad.

Nintendo Network ID: Sherlock99

He did survive. I have read that when this happened, two people in the stands had heart attacks, eleven more fainted, and three players vomited on the ice.

Hates Nomura.

Tagged: GooseGaws - <--- Has better taste in games than you.

I just saw the other one on youtube, same kinda accident, different game etc, however it is too crap to bother posting here.

yea my buddy was at the sabres game this weekend when zednik got his neck sliced open. He said he couldn't handle it and walked out of the rink for 5 minutes. Zednik seems to being doing fine now though.

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