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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Should Nintendo make a real console Pokemon game?


Should there be a true console Pokemon game?

Yes 26 56.52%
No 14 30.43%
Undecided 3 6.52%

So, in anticipation of Pokemon X and Y I've been playing through Heart Gold. It got me thinking, is there any real need for that console Pokemon game we've all been crying out for?

With the release of X and Y we've finally got a fully 3D pokemon game, but it's on handheld, which is really where Pokemon belongs IMO.

IMO, the entire appeal of Pokemon is that it's portable. I don't have to sit down in front of my TV to play it.

I'm interested to hear your thoughts! :D


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Fuck Yes!

Any other generation, I would not have cared.
But seeing the overall status of the Wii U, along with the graphics an hd pokemon game would have makes me excited.

I <3 Classic Platformers!

Multi-console Owner FTW

The appeal of pokemon to me was the premise of the show.  Be the best pokemon trainer, whatever that means.  Actually, to me it means to beat my friends and their emotionally invested pokemon with my emotionally invested pokemon.  That being said, it was always a dream to connect the regions together and be the best in all.  Imagine if they had USA regions. 


Maybe you can have different servers and each one being a specific region ultimately being to travel throughout the whole pokemon world when you get more badges.  Then there's real pokemon tournaments.  Same rule as the show.  You're late or don't show for it, the next round of players will battle. 


Really, the appeal to a pokemon console game is to invigorate the real world feeling.  I'm sure most of us who played it as children had gotten caught up with the dream of being a real pokemon trainer. 

I don't think they will release a main-serie Pokemon game, even though it would sell ALOT.

Thing is, the development costs would be way way higher than on handhelds, and lots of time would be required.

But, I we could see a Gales XD or Colosseum type of game, they are great spin-offs and could help the Wii U sell to many Pokemon fans.
But with Battle revolution sales/reception disaster, probably because it was rushed, it's hard to predict if anything might come after all (but lets hope for that ''Pokken'' game!)

Main serie in HD will happen next-gen, well I hope so.

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I agree with the OP. X/Y is basically the MMO everyone has been crying for. The only thing it's missing is HD graphics, and it really doesn't need them. The game looks great.

People asking for all six regions in a single game or whatever are out of their mind. Why would you even want or need that much content in a Pokemon game? Your whole team would be level 100 by the end of the second region. The majority of the Pokemon experience is the multiplayer component -- and adding a bunch of regions would contribute nothing to the multiplayer experience.

A full-fledged Pokemon console game is one of those things that you would THINK would be a no-brainer for Nintendo, but sadly I don't think they have it in them to release a full, open world, MMO style Pokemon game on console. They'd rather release incremental updates every couple of years or so on their handhelds.

On 2/24/13, MB1025 said:
You know I was always wondering why no one ever used the dollar sign for $ony, but then I realized they have no money so it would be pointless.

I think the misconception here is that people want a carbon copy of the core games, but on a console. That's not true. If that's what you're talking about, then I agree. The core franchise should stay on handhelds, yada yada.

But, what I and most people mean when we say that we want a full console Pokémon game is that we want a spin-off. A very particular spin-off with ambitions so grand that the resulting product would merit itself as a main series game in and of itself alongside the handhelds ala 2D Mario and 3D Mario or top-down Zelda and 3D Zelda or 2D Metroid and FPS Metroid.

What we want is a huge, open world Pokemon action adventure game where battles take place in real time with a battle system similar to Link's wolf form in Twilight Princess. The game would capture the same feeling that the handhelds do, but from a mechanics stance, it would be completely different. You'd still run in tall grass and catch wild Pokemon and train and battle, but the way you do it would be different than the handhelds.

That is a game that literally can't be done on a handheld. Frankly, I don't even know if it can be done on the Wii U. I'm no techie, but I assume that the real reason why that game we've all collectively dreamed of hasn't come to fruition yet is because the technology simply isn't there yet to make a game of that scope and quality.

There'd have to be a 3D model for each Pokémon, a complex and unique stream of animations for each individual 3D model that includes each attack that fits into their move sets. Animations for each attack by itself. AI for each individual Pokemon. Models and animations for each NPC. Voice actors for each NPC and Pokemon. etc.

It's a lot of work and a lot of money and though I think that Pokemon is one of the few franchises that could make a return on that investment, (up there with GTA V) I think that if money was the only thing stopping them, they would have found a way.

I want it to happen and I think it would be the single greatest game ever made if done well, but I just don't know if it can be done.

Like literally, I don't know. Not a techie. If the Wii U can do it, I'm sure it's on it's was. It definitely couldn't be done on the Wii though. I'm sure of it.

For that game to seriously reach it's potential though, it would need to be taken very seriously. It would need an excellent writer to tell a story that rises beyond the franchise. It would need live a live orchestrated soundtrack from esteemed composers. It would need a huge, dynamic open world with plenty of content. It would need addictive and compelling gameplay that keeps players playing, even after the game ends. It would need an online system as compelling as what GTA V promised, but safe for the intended audience, lest we forget that Pokemon is a children's game first. It would need a battle system that mirrors the accessibility and the complexity of the handheld games yet is displayed in flashy, third person real time. It would need to capture the child-like magic that games like Kingdom Hearts, Wind Waker, and Skyward Sword so perfectly create. And most importantly, it would need to still keep the core essence of a Pokémon game.

Should Nintendo make a real console Pokémon game?

Yes. Yes Nintendo should.

Would like a console pokemon rpg, would just prefer battle sequnces could play out like the TV show. similar to say Kingdom Hearts

It'll never have a true Next gen (its own gen) game on console but yes i think a spinoff should work greatly.
I definitely could get into that!