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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Mass Effect: my fav rpg thread *What will the future bring us*

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Goatseye said:
The first one ME was a RPG but 2 nd 3? Please...
Anyway, I want to see what they're cooking.

Lots of pessimism in this thread!

The second and third games were absolutely RPG's, and really good ones!

I honestly don't know what I want.  But I trust Bioware.  I live in fear under EA, granted, but the second and third game were not screwed up! So I have a lot of faith.

I want to avoid a shift to anything other than a firmly single player game! Tacked on multiplayer is fine, but nothing more I hope!  The ME3 multiplayer was fine - even fun.  But thats all.

A sequel trilogy with a few new races in the aftermath of a Reaper-ravaged galaxy could be amazing.  I still want to play as a human though - one thing Mass Effect does really well is exploring our species' relationship with the galaxy, the flaws they perceive us to have, and the difficulties that poses to our advancement.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

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Or how about starting out as a warlord trying to conquer tuchanka and after that battle the rachni and witness the rise and fall of the krogan

 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

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SnakeDrake said:
Panama said:
Hope they develop the combat even further. The gameplay improvements from ME1->2->3 are very impressive. They really need better writers for the next entry though. That ending was just inexcusable. Couldn't they just play dumb and pretend the indoctrination theory was legit instead of giving us the turd that they gave us.

It'd also makes my time watching all those theory videos worth something (Seriously what a big waste of time) and it's actually makes sense for the story to continue. 

I seriously don't get all the crap about a bad ending?

They spent three games building up the idea that the galaxy was in for a pasting, that our loses would be immeasurable, and that ultimately pressing against the Reapers was like pissing in the wind.  The whole point was that our choices would mean very little.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

It will have a bigger focus on mp a la EA.

starcraft said:
SnakeDrake said:
Panama said:
Hope they develop the combat even further. The gameplay improvements from ME1->2->3 are very impressive. They really need better writers for the next entry though. That ending was just inexcusable. Couldn't they just play dumb and pretend the indoctrination theory was legit instead of giving us the turd that they gave us.

It'd also makes my time watching all those theory videos worth something (Seriously what a big waste of time) and it's actually makes sense for the story to continue. 

I seriously don't get all the crap about a bad ending?

They spent three games building up the idea that the galaxy was in for a pasting, that our loses would be immeasurable, and that ultimately pressing against the Reapers was like pissing in the wind.  The whole point was that our choices would mean very little.

For a series that emphasizes that the choses of the character (the player) makes are important and would matter that statement is silly. 


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The best episode/game/movie/whatever in most trilogies is usually the 2nd. Mass Effect is no different. The 3rd failed in many ways (with a gaming sin being the biggest) and while I love the series in itself I don't want there to be another Mass Effect game.

As Yahtzee put it, where do they go from total annihilation of everyone in the universe? I'd kind of prefer a new IP from the same developers.

Hmm, pie.

SnakeDrake said:
starcraft said:
SnakeDrake said:
Panama said:
Hope they develop the combat even further. The gameplay improvements from ME1->2->3 are very impressive. They really need better writers for the next entry though. That ending was just inexcusable. Couldn't they just play dumb and pretend the indoctrination theory was legit instead of giving us the turd that they gave us.

It'd also makes my time watching all those theory videos worth something (Seriously what a big waste of time) and it's actually makes sense for the story to continue. 

I seriously don't get all the crap about a bad ending?

They spent three games building up the idea that the galaxy was in for a pasting, that our loses would be immeasurable, and that ultimately pressing against the Reapers was like pissing in the wind.  The whole point was that our choices would mean very little.

For a series that emphasizes that the choses of the character (the player) makes are important and would matter that statement is silly. 

That's just it though - that was only ever true of the journey, not the destination.  For heavens sake, the second game was specifically built around something called a suicide mission.

I am halfway through playing through a new ME3 round, without a save port.  I cannot believe how different the game is.  Your choices mattered.  They mattered to character development, they mattered to relationships, they mattered to species alliances.  But, in the end, just as you should have expected, your choices mattered little to the ultimate outcome.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

Mummelmann said:
What will the future bring? Bioware shaming themselves further and just go all-out as an action game developer with EA's massive pressure and creative oppression at their backs.

In my opinion, of course.

I'm affraid that your opinion isn't that far from reality. And you forgot lots of DLCs...

But even then, I'm still curious about what they can do.

Please excuse my bad English.

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