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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Burnout Paradise

Ya, I just use the one I got from Warhawk. Saturday good? I might be able to squeeze late Friday. What time zone?

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

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rocketpig said:

Got the game for the PS3 today since my 360 is awaiting a coffin... This game is brilliant! I might prefer it with the 360 controller but since that ain't an option right now, I'm not complaining.

This game is fassssssstttt. You feel like you're doing Mach 1 right out of the gate. While I'm still not completely sold on the race layout, just driving around sandbox-style is a lot of fun and there are constantly new things appearing that will wreck your car in a heartbeat and they keep you on your toes. Acquiring new cars via wrecking other drivers is a nice touch, too. This is one of the most blatantly violent games I have seen in quite some time.

The controls are tighter than a Shaker's chastity belt, which is an absolute must in an arcade racer like this. I found myself controlled sliding around corners sideways within five minutes of starting the game. The music is hilarious, too. They chose a lot of fast metal or hard rock, though I did crash when Avril Lavigne's "Girlfriend" started up. I immediately got over this affront to my sensibilities and actually began enjoying the song, amazingly enough. Apparently, even faux Canadian chick punk has its place in the gaming world.

This game makes absolutely no attempt to add a story, which I view as a good thing. Let's keep the fireside chats to a minimum and the mindless carnage at as high a level as possible. Progression is immediate and fast, for I had three additional cars within the first hour. Though the game may have a tendency to get repetitive later on, I'm dying to try out the online component. So, if any of you punks are feeling lucky, Rocketpig76 is the PSN ID. If you have the game, send me a message. My PSN friends list is pathetic because I spend all my time on XBL.

After a few hours, I give this game two thumbs and one enthusiastic American stiffy way up. If you own a PS3 or 360 and enjoy racers, at least give this game a rent. You might just end up buying it.

Sometimes, violence is the best option.

So, who has this game and wants to play? I never thought it would be this much fun, even after messing with the demo for a bit.

 Add me :)

My psn id is krik. I will probably not be able to play until after GDC... but maybe I get some time tomorrow or Saturday afternoon (east coast).

What's your PSN ID? 


PSN ID: krik

Optimistic predictions for 2008 (Feb 5 2008): Wii = 20M, PS3 = 14M, X360 = 9.5M


This game is crazy fun. It's to bad you didn't get it for the 360, though. What's your favorite car so far, Rocketpig?

I am Washu-bot B, loyal servant of Final-Fan, the greatest scientific genius in the universe!

God I can't wait to get this game. I've gotta say, the Burnout series is one of the finest made and fun series on Earth, across any genre. I've been playing my Burnout Legends for PSP recently until I grab my copy. Unfortunately i'll be getting it for 360, so no-go on the online with you guys. Why doesn't Burnout get more attention on this site? I'm guessing it's the combination of not appearing on the Wii and being made by EA. What a deadly combo on this site.

Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

Reviewers DO seem to be overly harsh on this title. While I DO miss crash junctions and proper aftertouch, I still love it. It's one of the few games I actually play online.

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My PSN ID is Rocketpig76.

I'll try to get some more time with the game this weekend.

Or check out my new webcomic:

I should be able to play sometime tomorrow or this weekend, but not for a week after that. I love the game, but I have not yet had a chance to go online, I'm still happy just driving round the city.

The crash mode is really shitty in this game... I will definetely not buy this game.... ever!

I've got the touch!!

I loved Burnout 3. I'm sort of wary about Paradise. The demo seemed to be overly complicated. I may give it a try, though. I trust ya Rocketpig.

I like how Burnout Paradise reminds me of Burnout 3, but I hate the open world/sandbox concept about it. All I do is get lost, even after numerous hours of going around. I mean it just takes too long to get the road map memorized in your head. And its a turnoff. NOt to mention races from one point to the next, I get even more lost. I'd rather them had the old setup with Burnout 3.