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Forums - Sales Discussion - GTA IV PS3 pre-orders outnumber Xbox 360 orders by 2 to 1

GTA IV PS3 pre-orders outnumber Xbox 360 orders by 2 to 1
It seems that GTA fever is hitting the PS3 world a heck of a lot stronger than Microsoft's bulky console, with pre-orders at one particular store placing the PS3 iteration ahead by a factor of exactly 2 to 1.

With launch a mere 76 days away, its little surprise that gamers are getting their names down to be assured of a copy of the latest in Rockstar's sublime series come launch day. Pretty safe to say it's going to be a popular one really.

Want to hear some actual figures to back up these claims? Well, so far pre-orders for the PS3 stand at a huge 2, while the Xbox 360 languishes at a pitiful single unit.

Oh come on, it's a bit of bloody humour so don't start getting abusive or anything. It IS true however that the PS3 version has indeed been enquired about a little more than the 360 version. And pre-order figures are exactly double, so that provocative headline is quite true. Love you all in advance.



okay, so this is the very essence of cherry picking but hey, i lolled.

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The inquiries, I can understand, since only recently did R* ever show PS3 footage. I don't know but most folks will just buy it anyhow ...

360 is doomed =(

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rofl at ppl that said it would be vise versa

ps3 is 2nd this gen end of story.

Xbox360 and Ps3 owner

I spit in your mouth at nite



kitler53 said:

With launch a mere 76 days away

Oh, that's rich. Only two and a half months left to get the game!

Oh noes!

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Psymatiq said:
rofl at ppl that said it would be vise versa

ps3 is 2nd this gen end of story.

rofl at you for not reading the article...??

Proud Member of GAIBoWS (Gamers Against Irrational Bans of Weezy & Squilliam)


If you have read the PSM preview, you will want this game more than anything else in life, I am in that category

Munkeh111 said:
If you have read the PSM preview, you will want this game more than anything else in life, I am in that category

No, more than anything else in life I want Fallout3 to not suck big donkey dick.

Pleasepleaseplease, Bethesda... 

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