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Forums - Sony Discussion - How to improve the Killzone franchise into a universal critical success?

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Develop a real time strategy game from it. I would be interested.


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Interesting thread, I've always thought about this actually. To keep it short and simple, this games changes have always been subtle, for some reason they don't want to change the formula too much. I think that's a mistake, this entry in the franchise was a great opportunity to change the rules of the game to make it funner and have a mass appeal, for example: keep the same heavy feel that's part of the franchise, but make the helghats or vektans invent some new weapon that changes the rules of engagement, like some halo-like suit that has a jetpack attached, or some exo-eskeleton armor like Titanfall. Don't take me wrong, I'm not saying to especifically do this things and copy those games, I'm just saying they should've go with that line of thinking. Titanfall is CoD with jetpack and robots but that changes the game a lot and gives it a fresh feel and the idea is very inviting for gamers and casuals alike. That's what I think Guerilla should do with this franchise.

- Make it fun
- Make it unique
- Make the world interesting.

At this point I believe Killzone only still lives because it is an exclusive game franchise.

I would be happy if they tried to make a new game franchise in a different genre.

The story is terrible, it ruined the whole series for me. Kil the series, hire new writers.

Make it a third person shooter, because normal fps games haven't scored high in a while.

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-Stop being so goddam serious.
-Have a decent story (I've only played Killzone 3, mind you)
-Change the name to "Awesome Zone" or something. Killzone is as generic a name as they come.

Make it a multiplayer only game.

PSN: Osc89

NNID: Oscar89

Never played the game but the one thing that keeps me from getting them is the helghast in the cover. They look scary...

"I've Underestimated the Horse Power from Mario Kart 8, I'll Never Doubt the WiiU's Engine Again"

better story, better characters, bigger world.

Maybe let ppl to chooce which nation they wanna play ( Helg or Vekta ) or even mix them both ? Show interesitng real characters from both sides, stop with the ,, good Vekta - bad Helghan ", maybe some more converstations during game, a little bit a co op ? Also, if u wanna so bad, maybe add vehicles/ new weapons etc

Anfebious said:
Never played the game but the one thing that keeps me from getting them is the helghast in the cover. They look scary...

The helghast are one of the best things in the game, IMO

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psn id: rychussnik