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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Polygon Caught Lying About PS4 on Their Xbox One Stream

Gamecube said:
..... that's what you guys are pissed at? xbox got slammed for tv features, you guys are pissed over a remote control? Shouldn't you guys be pissed about ps4's crappy games?

Sony have more and better First parties than microsoft and all of them are making games for ps4.

MS have more games released/announced because they sacrificed 360 to make a better launch line up for ONE(Crimson Dragon,Dead Rising 3 and Ryse were 360 games projects) and they rush the release of some of their games like Killer instinct and Forza 5(Why do you think forza 5 have less content than 4? )


It's only matter of time until Sony opens the Firsty party Floodgate and this "PS4 have no games" argument will be over

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OttoniBastos said:
Gamecube said:
..... that's what you guys are pissed at? xbox got slammed for tv features, you guys are pissed over a remote control? Shouldn't you guys be pissed about ps4's crappy games?

Sony have more and better First parties than microsoft and all of them are making games for ps4.

MS have more games released/announced because they sacrificed 360 to make a better launch line up for ONE(Crimson Dragon,Dead Rising 3 and Ryse were 360 games projects) and they rush the release of some of their games like Killer instinct and Forza 5(Why do you think forza 5 have less content than 4? )


It's only matter of time until Sony opens the Firsty party Floodgate and this "PS4 have no games" argument will be over

I haven't heard anyone say  ps4 has "no games". I said they are crappy games (with rare exception). Forza 5 has less content because the built it from the ground up for the new generation. Much like gt does whenever it moved from ps1 to ps2. As well as ps 2 to ps3. Killer isntinct is rushed, but some how it's still getting better ratings then the new killzone. Killzone is one of Sony's AAA titles is it not? Let me guess, sony paid off reviewers.... yea yea yea. Excuses are like a-holes, everybodies got one and they all stink. 360 has had almost no first party support for the last several years, while sony has been putting there "awesome" games out for ps3. Yet ps3 has barely outsold the 360. That speaks volumes about sony's quality of games. BTW I am planning on getting a PS.04 once sony fixes it's issues and come out with decent games.

I watched some time the maraton with PS4 last week... they really hates the PS4 and made a lot of jokes about it... laughed a lot.

Bad site.

How disgusting! Ready when you are.

I´m still comfortable about Polygon´s design and reviews and I am happy about their streaming -- gets me hyped :D

Omg they are talking crap about the console I'm so obsessively in love with, let's kill him! -_-

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Like i've said before, i'm amazed at how much mileage just $750k can have.

ethomaz said:
I watched some time the maraton with PS4 last week... they really hates the PS4 and made a lot of jokes about it... laughed a lot.

Bad site.

What a joke of a website.

Even during the PS4 streams they would constantly bash the PS4's "lack of games" while praising Xbox One's launch line-up. One example:

Commentor: "Which PS4 game should I get in 2014"

Host: "Uh... Titanfall"

These are our "journalists" :/

Gamecube said:
OttoniBastos said:
Gamecube said:
..... that's what you guys are pissed at? xbox got slammed for tv features, you guys are pissed over a remote control? Shouldn't you guys be pissed about ps4's crappy games?

Sony have more and better First parties than microsoft and all of them are making games for ps4.

MS have more games released/announced because they sacrificed 360 to make a better launch line up for ONE(Crimson Dragon,Dead Rising 3 and Ryse were 360 games projects) and they rush the release of some of their games like Killer instinct and Forza 5(Why do you think forza 5 have less content than 4? )


It's only matter of time until Sony opens the Firsty party Floodgate and this "PS4 have no games" argument will be over

I haven't heard anyone say  ps4 has "no games". I said they are crappy games (with rare exception). Forza 5 has less content because the built it from the ground up for the new generation. Much like gt does whenever it moved from ps1 to ps2. As well as ps 2 to ps3. Killer isntinct is rushed, but some how it's still getting better ratings then the new killzone. Killzone is one of Sony's AAA titles is it not? Let me guess, sony paid off reviewers.... yea yea yea. Excuses are like a-holes, everybodies got one and they all stink. 360 has had almost no first party support for the last several years, while sony has been putting there "awesome" games out for ps3. Yet ps3 has barely outsold the 360. That speaks volumes about sony's quality of games. BTW I am planning on getting a PS.04 once sony fixes it's issues and come out with decent games.

Sony's "awesome" games are the reason why PS3 is selling more than 360 every week.The Ps3's problem was the original price and not the quality of the games.

Which 360 exclusive game is competing for Game of the year? any category? NONE!

and PS3? The last of us and Ni no kuni

Playstation is a better console mid/long term because once the Firsty party flood gate is open the Butthurt and the "why this developer make games only for sony's" complaints starts....

Polygon just proved how bad the gaming media has become, their so-called journalist aren't even checking their facts before making their opinions. My goodness, John Snow everywhere.

Winter is definitely Coming. This next gen will continue to be plastered with bad press because people ain't doing their jobs right.

Edit: I have no idea how can the gaming community support or defend these types in the gaming media. They make things worse not better.

I spent almost an hour trying to get this set up. Ended up instead screwing over my system and losing PS4 audio. Only thing that worked was turning off my tv put both my receiver and PS4 into standby. Yea no. Reset everything back to the boring way.