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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - FAST Racing NEO powered by 2nd generation engine for Wii U supports and uses 4k-8k textures

fatslob-:O said:
eyeofcore said:
fatslob-:O said:
The real question here is the game going to show all 4K-8K textures at once ? I presume that they won't because the WII U is severely lacking memory bandwidth, memory size, as well as TMUs to even attempt showing every detail of the texture. The engine that they have is probably modified to support john carmacks megatexture technology to dynamically stream textures at a different resolution.

Are you suggesting that the edram is just 512 bits wide? Just by checking Renesas eDRAM at 40nm you can clearly see that 512 bits wide is no longer supported, we have 1024, 4096 and 8192 bits besides, Xbox 360 has a 4096bits eDRAM on seperate die with 8 ROPS having full access to the internal edram bandwidth of 256GB/s, the drawback is that since its on a separate die, the resolve from eDRAM to GPU has to pass through an external bus of 32GB/s

Sum that with the fact that Wii U main RAM doesnt have huge bandwidth, its obvious that no matter how good a port of an Xbox 360 game is, it would not even run on the Wii U system, and even worse talking about lazy ports. Xbox  36'has just 10 MB of eDRAM and only 1 MB of cache, while the Wii U has triple in both memories. But when you do a direct port, the source code telsl Wii U to use just 10 MB of edram and only 1 MB of cache and all the code that could fit there goes to the slower main ra since the source code tells the Wii Uto do so.

Of course that developers can change this, but will take time to reallocate resources and determinee what fits in the eDRAM and cache, and what does not
and you think they would do it? pfff, in most cases they dont since they are in a hurry, just by seeing that Call Of Duty Ghosts has the same resolution as the Xbox 360 conterpart that is gets port from even though Wii U has more eDRAM to solve it one can tell that it was a quick port.
but of course that sicne is a port the dsp in must cases goes to waist and even worse the developers waste one of the cores of the wii u cpu for sound
Xbox 360 uses one core for sound so when you port you also waste one of the 3 cores of the wiiu cpu for sound instead of using the DSP in other words, that extra core could have been used for something else is like if the wiiu actually had 4 cores in a way compared to Xbox 360 if audio was done on DSP and all 3 cores were used for games. But of course that since is a port the DSP in most cases goes to waste and even worse the developers waste one of the cores of the Wii U CPU for sound.

Why would Nintendo use a shorter eDRAM than Xbox 360 anyway? Renesas(NEC the previous producer of the Xbox 360's edRAM now forms part of Renesas) already said that eDRAM in Wii U uses latest tecnologies and Shin'en says that Wii U eDRAM has high bandwidth. Do you know the fact that eDRAM is in Wii U's GPU that it is embedded into the GPU and not on seperate die like on Xbox 360.

"Nintendo could try to contract another company to produce the component, but there are circumstances that make it difficult. According to a Renesas executive the production of that semiconductor was the result of the “secret sauce” and state-of-the-art know-how part of the NEC heritage of the Tsuruoka plant, making production elsewhere difficult. In order to restart mass production in a different factory redesigning the component may be necessary."

"Wii U GPU and its API are straightforward. Has plenty of high bandwidth memory. Really easy."

"Especially easy when compared with the tricks you need to do on current gen consoles."

“What surprises me with Wii U is that we don’t have many technical problems. It’s really running very well, in fact. We’re not obliged to constantly optimize things. Even on the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions [of Origins], we had some fill-rate issues and things like that. So it’s partly us – we improved the engine – but I think the console is quite powerful. Surprisingly powerful. And there’ a lot of memory. You can really have huge textures, and it’s crazy because sometimes the graphic artist – we built our textures in very high-dentition. They could be used in a movie. Then we compress them, but sometimes they forget to do the compression and it still works! [Laughs] So yeah, it’s quite powerful. It’s hard sometimes when you’re one of the first developers because it’s up to you to come up with solutions to certain problems. But the core elements of the console are surprisingly powerful."

I know you will deny itand try to disprove it, what are you suggesting is not proven and it is based on a rumor that you state as a fact and the thread creator of that rumor himself said it is a rumor and to treat as one yet you don't treat it as rumor, but rather as a fact/evidence.

As Renesas said in their statement/response, it uses state-of-the-art eDRAM so it means most up to date and best of the best possible...

You will say that Shin'en is not credible because they make games only for platform's from Nintendo yet they do soundtracks for games and they did it for 200 games also they do audio middleware that is used on various platforms. Another thing that you will use to discredit Shin'en is that they have positive opinion/attitude to Wii U compared to other large/mainstream developers that are/were negative about it while you will also discredit them again by saying that they are a small team and not a large developer thus you will question their capabilities, knowledge and experience even when they have over couple of decades of experience and were part of demo scene in 1990is thus they have more experience in compression and optimization.

I know that you will try to disprove the statement of Michel Ancel that works for Ubisoft for almost 20 years! He is a game designer  also a programmer and graphic artist so he knows what he is talking about thus he can firmly confirm and prove own statements.

Tell me, how is it that I can even surpass those 35GB/s specs you are claiming for the whole 32 megabytes of eDRAM with just 4 megabytes of embedded memory of the old Nintendo Gamecube?


How did you calculate the bandwidth anyway?

@Bold Just how much pointless shit are you going to post just to respond to me ? 

Why is it "pointless shit"? It is above all on topic and in directly related to your statements and it involved bandwidth, crucial/important difference between Wii U and Xbox 360 also it is aimed at your post/reply so I assume that you are avoiding this part that you call it "pointless shit".

"Secret sauce" ? Really dude ? I guess you don't really know how semiconductor foundries work then, eh ? Renesas were the ones DESIGNING the the eDRAM and the who FABBED it was TSMC. If renesas were to go under it would mean shit to nintendo because they can just liscence the IP from them to continue manufacturing the WII U.

I was quoting("") the article. tell me something that I don't know... I love how you presume that and that thing about me.

Renesas designed eDRAM and itproduces eDRAM and the GPU in own fabs because eDRAM is embedded into GPU while TSMC is just an alternative just in case if Renesas goes under, you did not read the article? Right? Please read before arguing; ARTICLE

Quote from article;
"As part of that restructuring Renesas, that merged with NEC Electronics in 2012, announced that it decided to close four semiconductor plants in Japan within 2-3 years, including the state-of-the-art factory based in Tsuruoka, Yamagata Prefecture  (as reported by the Wall Street Journal), and this may spell trouble for Nintendo and the Wii U.

The reason is quite simple. The closing factory was responsible for manufacturing the console’s Embedded DRAM, that is quite properly defined the “life stone” of the console."

What do you understand by manufacturing?

Duh. The WII U is SUPPOSED to be easier to develop for becuase it has better programmablility. (Again don't give me pointless shit in your post becuase I have followed alot of tech sites while doing some research and I'm not clueless to these subjects.)

Another thing that I already know... :/

Of course is easier, but if its a port what can you expect?

Even the PlayStation 4 version/build of Assassin Creed Black Flag doesn't look that impressive on PlayStation 4 despite how powerful it is and the fact that is even easier to develop for since it has no eDRAM, but rather just main RAM! So no matter how lazy/sloppy the developers are that should ease things a lot, yet they fail to bring impressive port/build with all of those advantages!

What about the rayman legends creator saying that the WII U is "powerful" ? The word "power" is a vague term once again. 

Word power is not a vague term, nice try. What about him you say and I already pointed out that he is a graphic artist and a programmer so he is not just a game designer since he works with the hardware and he codes for it! He says that Wii U's hardware is powerful since he worked on it and programmed for it, he said that the game worked with uncompressed textures on Wii U so it takes more RAM and also more resources because more data is processed.

Wow your really hurt about another man over the internet, aren't you ? Your afraid of somebody disproving you ?! *Facepalm*

You are just forcing the premise that is not correct and why I would be hurt over a person that I don't know? It is inlogical and you are trying to provoke me since you are a troll and force a rumor as a fact thus damaging your own credibility. If I was afraid then I would not be responding to you in the first place so you should be facepalming to yourself and not to me for asking these two question.

Who the hell cares what renesas says ?! I want to see the end result! 

So nobody cares about a statement from a company that designed and produces eDRAM for Wii U? It was said by a Renesas executive and not by some guy on a forum that may or may not be correct, this is straight from Renesas its self and when DualShockers wrote "secret sauce" that means that it is most likely a custom design and "state-of-the-art know-how" literally means/hints use of best of the best is being applied to the Wii U. If you want results then wait, its like chemistry the result is not instant nor designing a weapon too like mortars. It needs time to shine like on PLayStation 3, like on Xbox 360 like the Source engine.

You can not get the result right from the start... :P

By your logic we would have seen everything from start in every console/handheld/mobile/technology generation... Your logic. :/

Who gives a damn about shin'en ?! Are they really that important ?!

Same could be said for Crytek, Rare, Sony Santa Monica, Guerilla Games, Valve, ID Software, Epic Games, etc... When they were small and not really relevant also they are really that important because they use the hardware and they will try to get most out of and you forgot that these guys came from demo scene with different principles than modern day programmers.

Look at FAST Racing League and Jet Rocket that people would have think it is a game on Xbox 360 and not on Wii and Shin'en did things that other did not on Wii, including ambient occlusion in theri games. Don't doubt these guys that were in PC demo scene.

More people ?! Wow man you really can't defend your own grounds. 

DID I CLAIM THAT THE eDRAM ONLY HAD 35GB/s BANDWIDTH ? (Again your lack of english understanding makes everyone confused.) 


Sorry for the misunderstanding then, so would you be so kind to tell me how much you think it has?
Can you also at the very least provide some kind of proof like a formula to calculate it?

And please, don't forget I can get about 10GB/s of bandwidth with just 1 MB of the old embedded memory on the Gamecube's GPU!

Please answer the last two questions involving bandwidth!

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F0X said:
fatslob-:O said:
curl-6 said:
fatslob-:O said:

Who gives a damn about shin'en ?!

Quite a few people actually, as they're one of  the only devs who seem to have a proper grasp of the Wii U hardware and who care about making their Wii U games look good.

Of course, it doesn't hurt that they also make fun games. :)

They should atleast try to get a blockbuster hit so that nintendo can justify buying them.  

I agree with this, although it's not like Shin'en is incapable of making awesome games. Case in point: Art of Balance.

The problem with them is that they have a low amount of employees and their not very keen on making the games that people want. I don't want to say that their behaviour is just like cryteks yet but they are giving me awful impression of wanting to push graphics on a system rather than just making an innovative title like minecraft and wii sports. 

fatslob-:O said:
curl-6 said:
fatslob-:O said:
The real question here is the game going to show all 4K-8K textures at once ? I presume that they won't because the WII U is severely lacking memory bandwidth, memory size, as well as TMUs to even attempt showing every detail of the texture. The engine that they have is probably modified to support john carmacks megatexture technology to dynamically stream textures at a different resolution.

Shin'en have said on twitter that memory size was not a problem, as they could compress a 4k texture down to 10MB.

As for memory bandwidth they previously said that:

"Theoretical RAM bandwidth in a system doesn’t tell you too much because GPU caching will hide a lot of this latency."

Just how many 4-8K textures are they going to use then ? Once you get alot of objects on screen the complexity increases. 

As for shin'en's over statement about memory bandwidth, there's only so much you can do with 32MB. See the reason as to why bandwidth was important in the first place was to feed the GPU otherwise functional units will start to get under utilized. TMUs, shaders, ROPS, and everything else in the GPU is exetremely dependent on it. The reason as to why the X1 wasn't able to achieve 1080p for some of multiplatform titles or exclusives has to do with the main memory bandwidth being a bottleneck. (Aside from the lowered amount of ROPS ofcourse.) How else does the GPU get fed with alot of other data ? You can not keep constantly relying on the eDRAM to feed the GPU much like how the X1 relies on the eSRAM! It has to eventually access the main memory and only the main memory because it likely has the most data being resident on it. The purpose of caching is to SAVE BANDWIDTH by storing frequently accessed data. It was not meant to COMPLETELY FEED THE GPU

Now don't get me wrong! I'm not saying that the WII U isn't capable of handling 4-8K textures but it shouldn't be able to handle it at a regular basis given that it likely has a lack of TMUs and everything else I stated before. Do not fret about this issue. There are other ways of about solving this issue like I had said before. The megatexture technology introduced by john carmack in RAGE will resolve alot of issues regarding the WII Us lack of bandwidth and TMUs by trying to only stream the required highest resolution textures for a certain assests of a scene so that it can conserve alot of texture fillrates ad bandwidth so that the level of detail gets scaled back when objects are far away while also being scaled up too where the objects near the camera will have the highest level of detail. 

You sure of this? Are you really, really sure of this? Then could you explain this to me, please...

"The easiest way that I can explain this is that when you take each unit of time that the Wii U eDRAM can do work with separate tasks as compared to the 1 Gigabyte of slower RAM, the amount of actual Megabytes of RAM that exist during the same time frame is superior with the eDRAM, regardless of the fact that the size and number applied makes the 1 Gigabyte of DDR3 RAM seem larger. These are units of both time and space. Fast eDRAM that can be used at a speed more useful to the CPU and GPU have certain advantages, that when exploited, give the console great gains in performance.
The eDRAM of the Wii U is embedded right onto the chip logic, which for most intent and purposes negates the classic In/Out bottleneck that developers have faced in the past as well. Reading and writing directly in regard to all of the chips on the Multi Chip Module as instructed."


nope, i am actually the guy who makes posts at ign with the same name

wanna see?

the world is wider than you think, dont think you just have one rival


if you allow me, i can give the formula to do it, but since you are the expert here i am just waiting

fatslob-:O said:
F0X said:
fatslob-:O said:

They should atleast try to get a blockbuster hit so that nintendo can justify buying them.  

I agree with this, although it's not like Shin'en is incapable of making awesome games. Case in point: Art of Balance.

The problem with them is that they have a low amount of employees and their not very keen on making the games that people want. I don't want to say that their behaviour is just like cryteks yet but they are giving me awful impression of wanting to push graphics on a system rather than just making an innovative title like minecraft and wii sports. 

This can be applied to the majority of independent and/or niche developers. They develop the games that they want to make, and gain a small but devoted fanbase in the process. On occasion, we'll get a game like Minecraft which shows how an indie game can compete with larger development efforts. But that's the exception, not the rule.

I get the impression that Shin'en is interested in filling holes, so to speak. There aren't many arcade shooters on Nintendo platforms. Futuristic racing games are scarce these days. And aside from Mario, there are few decent titles in the 3D platformer space. They want to provide these genres to Nintendo platforms, which in the past used to get them far more often. Since they're limited by the size of the team, they keep their projects small and make them stand out via graphics. Problem?

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eyeofcore said:

@Bold Just how much pointless shit are you going to post just to respond to me ? 

Why is it "pointless shit"? It is above all on topic and in directly related to your statements and it involved bandwidth, crucial/important difference between Wii U and Xbox 360 also it is aimed at your post/reply so I assume that you are avoiding this part that you call it "pointless shit".

I don't give a rats ass about about the difference between the WII U and X360! You didn't respond to the question I was asking with the pointless shit you gave me.

eyeofcore said:

"Secret sauce" ? Really dude ? I guess you don't really know how semiconductor foundries work then, eh ? Renesas were the ones DESIGNING the the eDRAM and the who FABBED it was TSMC. If renesas were to go under it would mean shit to nintendo because they can just liscence the IP from them to continue manufacturing the WII U.

I was quoting("") the article. tell me something that I don't know... I love how you presume that and that thing about me.

Quote from article;
"As part of that restructuring Renesas, that merged with NEC Electronics in 2012, announced that it decided to close four semiconductor plants in Japan within 2-3 years, including the state-of-the-art factory based in Tsuruoka, Yamagata Prefecture  (as reported by the Wall Street Journal), and this may spell trouble for Nintendo and the Wii U.

The reason is quite simple. The closing factory was responsible for manufacturing the console’s Embedded DRAM, that is quite properly defined the “life stone” of the console."


What do you understand by manufacturing?

I'll tell you something. You gave even more pointless shit to the discussion at hand and still haven't even went to answering my question! I'll say it once again and no more, RENESAS DOES NOT MANUFACTURE THE eDRAM ITSELF, THAT IS SUPPOSED TO BE TSMCs JOB

eyeofcore said:

Duh. The WII U is SUPPOSED to be easier to develop for becuase it has better programmablility. (Again don't give me pointless shit in your post becuase I have followed alot of tech sites while doing some research and I'm not clueless to these subjects.)

Another thing that I already know... :/

Of course is easier, but if its a port what can you expect?

Even the PlayStation 4 version/build of Assassin Creed Black Flag doesn't look that impressive on PlayStation 4 despite how powerful it is and the fact that is even easier to develop for since it has no eDRAM, but rather just main RAM! So no matter how lazy/sloppy the developers are that should ease things a lot, yet they fail to bring impressive port/build with all of those advantages!


eyeofcore said:

What about the rayman legends creator saying that the WII U is "powerful" ? The word "power" is a vague term once again. 

Word power is not a vague term, nice try. What about him you say and I already pointed out that he is a graphic artist and a programmer so he is not just a game designer since he works with the hardware and he codes for it! He says that Wii U's hardware is powerful since he worked on it and programmed for it, he said that the game worked with uncompressed textures on Wii U so it takes more RAM and also more resources because more data is processed.

Again the word "power" is undefined. What are we talking about specifically ? Is he talking about the fillrates, shaders, or it's programmability ? No context was given and thus the meaning is lost. What does this have to do with my comment initally at hand ?! 

eyeofcore said:

Wow your really hurt about another man over the internet, aren't you ? Your afraid of somebody disproving you ?! *Facepalm*

You are just forcing the premise that is not correct and why I would be hurt over a person that I don't know? It is inlogical and you are trying to provoke me since you are a troll and force a rumor as a fact thus damaging your own credibility. If I was afraid then I would not be responding to you in the first place so you should be facepalming to yourself and not to me for asking these two question.

Then why don't you disprove the rumor at hand ?! There's more evidence for it than against it. "inlogical" ?! LMAO you really have terrible english, don't you ? It's "illogical"! 

eyeofcore said:

Who the hell cares what renesas says ?! I want to see the end result! 

So nobody cares about a statement from a company that designed and produces eDRAM for Wii U? It was said by a Renesas executive and not by some guy on a forum that may or may not be correct, this is straight from Renesas its self and when DualShockers wrote "secret sauce" that means that it is most likely a custom design and "state-of-the-art know-how" literally means/hints use of best of the best is being applied to the Wii U. If you want results then wait, its like chemistry the result is not instant nor designing a weapon too like mortars. It needs time to shine like on PLayStation 3, like on Xbox 360 like the Source engine.

You can not get the result right from the start... :P

By your logic we would have seen everything from start in every console/handheld/mobile/technology generation... Your logic. :/

I like how you ignore PC. Are you going to answer the comment directly or will you continue posting more pointless crap for me to read ? 

eyeofcore said:

Who gives a damn about shin'en ?! Are they really that important ?!

Same could be said for Crytek, Rare, Sony Santa Monica, Guerilla Games, Valve, ID Software, Epic Games, etc... When they were small and not really relevant also they are really that important because they use the hardware and they will try to get most out of and you forgot that these guys came from demo scene with different principles than modern day programmers.

Look at FAST Racing League and Jet Rocket that people would have think it is a game on Xbox 360 and not on Wii and Shin'en did things that other did not on Wii, including ambient occlusion in theri games. Don't doubt these guys that were in PC demo scene.

More pointless crap for not answering my intital concerns at hand, eh ? 

eyeofcore said:

More people ?! Wow man you really can't defend your own grounds. 

DID I CLAIM THAT THE eDRAM ONLY HAD 35GB/s BANDWIDTH ? (Again your lack of english understanding makes everyone confused.) 


Sorry for the misunderstanding then, so would you be so kind to tell me how much you think it has?
Can you also at the very least provide some kind of proof like a formula to calculate it?

And please, don't forget I can get about 10GB/s of bandwidth with just 1 MB of the old embedded memory on the Gamecube's GPU!

Please answer the last two questions involving bandwidth!

It depends on where the memory needs to flow and BTW it's 3MB of eDRAM. Kinda sad how you don't know about the hardware of a certain console from your favourite console manufacturer. 

The memory flow is not constant and what's more is that the constraints aren't clear either for every different workloads. 

eyeofcore said:
fatslob-:O said:
curl-6 said:
fatslob-:O said:
The real question here is the game going to show all 4K-8K textures at once ? I presume that they won't because the WII U is severely lacking memory bandwidth, memory size, as well as TMUs to even attempt showing every detail of the texture. The engine that they have is probably modified to support john carmacks megatexture technology to dynamically stream textures at a different resolution.

Shin'en have said on twitter that memory size was not a problem, as they could compress a 4k texture down to 10MB.

As for memory bandwidth they previously said that:

"Theoretical RAM bandwidth in a system doesn’t tell you too much because GPU caching will hide a lot of this latency."

Just how many 4-8K textures are they going to use then ? Once you get alot of objects on screen the complexity increases. 

As for shin'en's over statement about memory bandwidth, there's only so much you can do with 32MB. See the reason as to why bandwidth was important in the first place was to feed the GPU otherwise functional units will start to get under utilized. TMUs, shaders, ROPS, and everything else in the GPU is exetremely dependent on it. The reason as to why the X1 wasn't able to achieve 1080p for some of multiplatform titles or exclusives has to do with the main memory bandwidth being a bottleneck. (Aside from the lowered amount of ROPS ofcourse.) How else does the GPU get fed with alot of other data ? You can not keep constantly relying on the eDRAM to feed the GPU much like how the X1 relies on the eSRAM! It has to eventually access the main memory and only the main memory because it likely has the most data being resident on it. The purpose of caching is to SAVE BANDWIDTH by storing frequently accessed data. It was not meant to COMPLETELY FEED THE GPU

Now don't get me wrong! I'm not saying that the WII U isn't capable of handling 4-8K textures but it shouldn't be able to handle it at a regular basis given that it likely has a lack of TMUs and everything else I stated before. Do not fret about this issue. There are other ways of about solving this issue like I had said before. The megatexture technology introduced by john carmack in RAGE will resolve alot of issues regarding the WII Us lack of bandwidth and TMUs by trying to only stream the required highest resolution textures for a certain assests of a scene so that it can conserve alot of texture fillrates ad bandwidth so that the level of detail gets scaled back when objects are far away while also being scaled up too where the objects near the camera will have the highest level of detail. 

You sure of this? Are you really, really sure of this? Then could you explain this to me, please...

"The easiest way that I can explain this is that when you take each unit of time that the Wii U eDRAM can do work with separate tasks as compared to the 1 Gigabyte of slower RAM, the amount of actual Megabytes of RAM that exist during the same time frame is superior with the eDRAM, regardless of the fact that the size and number applied makes the 1 Gigabyte of DDR3 RAM seem larger. These are units of both time and space. Fast eDRAM that can be used at a speed more useful to the CPU and GPU have certain advantages, that when exploited, give the console great gains in performance.
The eDRAM of the Wii U is embedded right onto the chip logic, which for most intent and purposes negates the classic In/Out bottleneck that developers have faced in the past as well. Reading and writing directly in regard to all of the chips on the Multi Chip Module as instructed."


You arguing with me on this issue means that you are also arguing with pemalite too. He'll likely agree with me and not you.

no formula yet
still waiiting for a proof,and how is it that renesas is not responsible of the edra manufacturing when the reort states that as a fact

seriously you are losing credibility
stop so much bullshit speeches and so much blablabla

want a proof dude, you are a tech expert right, well show e what you are made off
give me the shitty formula for the bandwidth

megafenix said:

nope, i am actually the guy who makes posts at ign with the same name

wanna see?

the world is wider than you think, dont think you just have one rival


if you allow me, i can give the formula to do it, but since you are the expert here i am just waiting

You probably won't give me the formula seeing as how this will probably require caluculus 3 shit at hand and that's not something I have avaible in my tool box as of now until next year but at the same time I also doubt that you have it. 

megafenix said:
no formula yet
still waiiting for a proof,and how is it that renesas is not responsible of the edra manufacturing when the reort states that as a fact

seriously you are losing credibility
stop so much bullshit speeches and so much blablabla

want a proof dude, you are a tech expert right, well show e what you are made off
give me the shitty formula for the bandwidth

Ask yourself this question then, does renesas have their own semiconductor plant ?! Why is the eDRAM integrated in the GPU that is manufactured from TSMC ?!

The one with bullshit here is you! 

Your probably not a tech expert either seeing as how you probably don't know the formula either.