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eyeofcore said:

@Bold Just how much pointless shit are you going to post just to respond to me ? 

Why is it "pointless shit"? It is above all on topic and in directly related to your statements and it involved bandwidth, crucial/important difference between Wii U and Xbox 360 also it is aimed at your post/reply so I assume that you are avoiding this part that you call it "pointless shit".

I don't give a rats ass about about the difference between the WII U and X360! You didn't respond to the question I was asking with the pointless shit you gave me.

eyeofcore said:

"Secret sauce" ? Really dude ? I guess you don't really know how semiconductor foundries work then, eh ? Renesas were the ones DESIGNING the the eDRAM and the who FABBED it was TSMC. If renesas were to go under it would mean shit to nintendo because they can just liscence the IP from them to continue manufacturing the WII U.

I was quoting("") the article. tell me something that I don't know... I love how you presume that and that thing about me.

Quote from article;
"As part of that restructuring Renesas, that merged with NEC Electronics in 2012, announced that it decided to close four semiconductor plants in Japan within 2-3 years, including the state-of-the-art factory based in Tsuruoka, Yamagata Prefecture  (as reported by the Wall Street Journal), and this may spell trouble for Nintendo and the Wii U.

The reason is quite simple. The closing factory was responsible for manufacturing the console’s Embedded DRAM, that is quite properly defined the “life stone” of the console."


What do you understand by manufacturing?

I'll tell you something. You gave even more pointless shit to the discussion at hand and still haven't even went to answering my question! I'll say it once again and no more, RENESAS DOES NOT MANUFACTURE THE eDRAM ITSELF, THAT IS SUPPOSED TO BE TSMCs JOB

eyeofcore said:

Duh. The WII U is SUPPOSED to be easier to develop for becuase it has better programmablility. (Again don't give me pointless shit in your post becuase I have followed alot of tech sites while doing some research and I'm not clueless to these subjects.)

Another thing that I already know... :/

Of course is easier, but if its a port what can you expect?

Even the PlayStation 4 version/build of Assassin Creed Black Flag doesn't look that impressive on PlayStation 4 despite how powerful it is and the fact that is even easier to develop for since it has no eDRAM, but rather just main RAM! So no matter how lazy/sloppy the developers are that should ease things a lot, yet they fail to bring impressive port/build with all of those advantages!


eyeofcore said:

What about the rayman legends creator saying that the WII U is "powerful" ? The word "power" is a vague term once again. 

Word power is not a vague term, nice try. What about him you say and I already pointed out that he is a graphic artist and a programmer so he is not just a game designer since he works with the hardware and he codes for it! He says that Wii U's hardware is powerful since he worked on it and programmed for it, he said that the game worked with uncompressed textures on Wii U so it takes more RAM and also more resources because more data is processed.

Again the word "power" is undefined. What are we talking about specifically ? Is he talking about the fillrates, shaders, or it's programmability ? No context was given and thus the meaning is lost. What does this have to do with my comment initally at hand ?! 

eyeofcore said:

Wow your really hurt about another man over the internet, aren't you ? Your afraid of somebody disproving you ?! *Facepalm*

You are just forcing the premise that is not correct and why I would be hurt over a person that I don't know? It is inlogical and you are trying to provoke me since you are a troll and force a rumor as a fact thus damaging your own credibility. If I was afraid then I would not be responding to you in the first place so you should be facepalming to yourself and not to me for asking these two question.

Then why don't you disprove the rumor at hand ?! There's more evidence for it than against it. "inlogical" ?! LMAO you really have terrible english, don't you ? It's "illogical"! 

eyeofcore said:

Who the hell cares what renesas says ?! I want to see the end result! 

So nobody cares about a statement from a company that designed and produces eDRAM for Wii U? It was said by a Renesas executive and not by some guy on a forum that may or may not be correct, this is straight from Renesas its self and when DualShockers wrote "secret sauce" that means that it is most likely a custom design and "state-of-the-art know-how" literally means/hints use of best of the best is being applied to the Wii U. If you want results then wait, its like chemistry the result is not instant nor designing a weapon too like mortars. It needs time to shine like on PLayStation 3, like on Xbox 360 like the Source engine.

You can not get the result right from the start... :P

By your logic we would have seen everything from start in every console/handheld/mobile/technology generation... Your logic. :/

I like how you ignore PC. Are you going to answer the comment directly or will you continue posting more pointless crap for me to read ? 

eyeofcore said:

Who gives a damn about shin'en ?! Are they really that important ?!

Same could be said for Crytek, Rare, Sony Santa Monica, Guerilla Games, Valve, ID Software, Epic Games, etc... When they were small and not really relevant also they are really that important because they use the hardware and they will try to get most out of and you forgot that these guys came from demo scene with different principles than modern day programmers.

Look at FAST Racing League and Jet Rocket that people would have think it is a game on Xbox 360 and not on Wii and Shin'en did things that other did not on Wii, including ambient occlusion in theri games. Don't doubt these guys that were in PC demo scene.

More pointless crap for not answering my intital concerns at hand, eh ? 

eyeofcore said:

More people ?! Wow man you really can't defend your own grounds. 

DID I CLAIM THAT THE eDRAM ONLY HAD 35GB/s BANDWIDTH ? (Again your lack of english understanding makes everyone confused.) 


Sorry for the misunderstanding then, so would you be so kind to tell me how much you think it has?
Can you also at the very least provide some kind of proof like a formula to calculate it?

And please, don't forget I can get about 10GB/s of bandwidth with just 1 MB of the old embedded memory on the Gamecube's GPU!

Please answer the last two questions involving bandwidth!

It depends on where the memory needs to flow and BTW it's 3MB of eDRAM. Kinda sad how you don't know about the hardware of a certain console from your favourite console manufacturer. 

The memory flow is not constant and what's more is that the constraints aren't clear either for every different workloads.