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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Did Any of the Big 3 Get It Right in the Console War

PS3 and Xbox360 stood still in my opinion and if it was left to them it would be endless remakes of sports, shooters and driving games so all hail Nintendo!

To me the original Xbox was a bigger step forward for gaming (not talking about blu ray etc) with it's xbox live service than either the Xbox360 or PS3 have so far achieved.

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Nintendo got it stop on, the proof is in the sales and value of the company (worth much more than Sony)

I don't know. I have all three consoles. I am disappointing that none of the 3 had a complete vision for this generation.

Last generation I feel sony delivered a complete vision. Innovated with DVD, great games that were pushing the graphical envelope at the time, great sound for the time, and a quiet machine that didn't require a muffler.

I just don't see the same level of completeness this round. And as the companies I think they are delivered their vision, but I don't think any company really had a truely complete vision. Hopefully next round they all get it right.

the only thing the PS3 didn't get is price. Everything else is fine

360 is noisy and RRoD prone, but really good

Wii has motion controls, but no DVD.

They all have pros and cons. This gen is fine by me.

i really see lack of dvd in wii as a non-issue. if you're a gamer you probably already have a system that plays dvd's so you're set. or else you probably have a dvd player. if you don't have either of these then you are in the ridiculously small minority of people and probably don't have too many dvd's in the first place.

i'd say ps3 failed badly in delivering what gamers wanted for this gen since it for the most part doesn't offer much beyond the 360 but costs way more so unless you can't live without ff13, gt5, and mgs4 and are willing to pay an arm and a leg for it there's no point in buying it. its basically like if nintendo had made a duplicate of the 360 but charged 200 bucks more because it had nintendo franchise games, but since nintendo franchises are better than the ps3 exclusives lets limit it just to mario, zelda, and mario kart.

the 360 hit its targets i think with this gen except that they built a terribly put together machine. which is a big no no. besides that its a good system although after over 2 years that price needs to come down about another 70 bucks or so.

the wii hit its mark this gen except 3rd parties just weren't expecting it. this has created a delay in top quality support outside of nintendo that is still going on. as it was their goal to not have a huge leap in graphics i can't say the missed their goal there. but lackluster effort by third parties have created plenty of games with ps2-level graphics which is very unnacceptable on the wii. the other gripe is the ridiculous online set-up they have so far fallen behind in that. but they at least finally have entered the online arena and its free even though its nothing compared to 360's live.

basically microsoft screwed itself over with crappy hardware that hopefully has been fixed now with the falcon version, otherwise good. sony screwed itself over with a pricetag a couple hundred dollars too high, but then that creates a whole avalanche of bad effects like poor sales and losing exclusives which creates a downward spiral of badness. nintendo did it almost completely right but left out a couple things like good online and a bigger harddrive (but both of these can change with a change in online policy(unlikely) and the allowing of external harddrives). but what has really hurt them so far has been from outside rather than from within. they still need 3rd parties.

end of '08 predictions: wii - 43 million,  360 - 25 million, ps3 - 20 million


Games I've beat recently: Super Mario Galaxy, Knights of the Old Republic, Shadow of the Collossus


Proud owner of wii, gamecube, xbox, ps2, dreamcast, n64, snes, genesis, 3DO, nes, atari, intellivision, unisonic tournament 2000, and gameboy

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DMeisterJ said:
Gosh, here we go again, say anything bad about Nintendo, here come the fanboys. Nintendo didn't get my vision either. Is it too much to ask for good graphics, and good gameplay? And not have to choose? Uncharted, Ratchet and Clank, Bioshock, Mass Effect, and Gran Turismo 5 seem to disagree. I will admit that nintendo got the whole fameplay thing down, but these games go to show that you can have a game that looks good, and plays good also. And I do not believe that any game on the Wii can come any where close (graphically) to the games I mentioned.

So if you are all about graphics and power why don't you just get a PC. When it comes to raw power the PC has no match. We already saw a game that looks far better on the PC than any game that the PS3/360 can pit out (Crysis). And that was with just 1 year within launch of the PS3. What about this year? And the next? And the one after that? I see no reason why i should shell out so much money for something whose strongest selling point is ultimately inferior to what already have. My PC has no motion controls whatsoever, and I will be damned if i can stick the girls on my floor in front of my PC for 4 hours straight.

i like how fast the nintendo fanboys get so defensive so fast

all 3 systems had problems, but 360 probably suffered from them the most. This gen there were to many things to focus on so each console had a few problems.

And anybody who thinks innovation is risky has no idea what there talking
about. Just look at the history of gaming and u would no what i am saying

dante said:
i like how fast the nintendo fanboys get so defensive so fast

all 3 systems had problems, but 360 probably suffered from them the most. This gen there were to many things to focus on so each console had a few problems.

And anybody who thinks innovation is risky has no idea what there talking
about. Just look at the history of gaming and u would no what i am saying

The OP is clearly saying "I don't think any of the big three delivered on their vision for this generation", most of the people around here agrees that Nintendo deliver their vision, if you or anybody else doesn't agree with their vision or doesn't like it, thats your opinion... we are talking about what they planned and what they deliver...

And VirtualBoy and GBAMicro says hi... and the PowerGlove, and the Nintendo Disk Drive... etc...

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"Since you can´t understand ... there is no point to taking you seriously."


but there the virtual boy was crap and hdd no good games
innovative yes fun no

gba micro isn't reallly that innovative and is kind of to small and annoying and was released close to DS or whas it released after DS i dont remember

dante said:

but there the virtual boy was crap and hdd no good games
innovative yes fun no

gba micro isn't reallly that innovative and is kind of to small and annoying and was released close to DS or whas it released after DS i dont remember

You clearly stated:"anybody who thinks innovation is risky has no idea what there talking about"

My examples proves the opposite, none of them where a succes, but all of them try to innovate in someway or another, innovation is risky, thats the point...

By me:

Made with Blender + LuxRender
"Since you can´t understand ... there is no point to taking you seriously."