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DMeisterJ said:
Gosh, here we go again, say anything bad about Nintendo, here come the fanboys. Nintendo didn't get my vision either. Is it too much to ask for good graphics, and good gameplay? And not have to choose? Uncharted, Ratchet and Clank, Bioshock, Mass Effect, and Gran Turismo 5 seem to disagree. I will admit that nintendo got the whole fameplay thing down, but these games go to show that you can have a game that looks good, and plays good also. And I do not believe that any game on the Wii can come any where close (graphically) to the games I mentioned.

So if you are all about graphics and power why don't you just get a PC. When it comes to raw power the PC has no match. We already saw a game that looks far better on the PC than any game that the PS3/360 can pit out (Crysis). And that was with just 1 year within launch of the PS3. What about this year? And the next? And the one after that? I see no reason why i should shell out so much money for something whose strongest selling point is ultimately inferior to what already have. My PC has no motion controls whatsoever, and I will be damned if i can stick the girls on my floor in front of my PC for 4 hours straight.