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Forums - General Discussion - DVD Collection

DVD's are awesome. I thought a thraed was needed where we could talk about are favourite dvd's, the coolness of bonus features and the size of our dvd's collection. I'll get the ball rolling by giving the size of my dvd collection:

 No. of individual discs - 1439

 No. of dvds - 1131 (counting boxsets and 2/3/4 disc editions as single dvds) 

 Value - £900+ (money paid for them not thier percieved worth) 



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sounds like you burned a lot....

I don't see the point in collecting movies at all. I buy el cheapo DVDs, watch them and give them away (to a friend or some charity). For burned DVDs I just throw them away.

no, all bought from shops



I have 100+ DVDs - how did u get 1000+???? Wow!

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the real question is how have you got 40,000+ profile views



^, I got over 2500 profile views after my continued bashing!!!!
and the rest was from my loyal fanbase

My wife and I have about 200 some odd. I don't feel like counting them all right now hehe. We'd have a lot more though if it weren't for Netflix and their instant watching.

I know you believe you understand what you think I said but I don't think you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.

last time i counted i was just short of 400 dvds (boxes, not individual discs) so i'm probably just over by now. no idea how much i've spent on all of them but i have a great mix of movies in all genres as well as complete sets to most of my favorite tv shows and a bit of anime.

edit:  and for all those that think 400 is a lot of movies.  my philosophy is "why go out to the theater and spend $18  that me and my gf can only see once when i can wait a bit longer, buy the dvd for around $13 at release, and then have it forever."  basically i bought 1 or 2 movies a month for the last however many years dvd has been out.

I just get my dvds from the local library

so i don't own that manyy.....

youmust watch a lot of movies to have 1000 + dvds!!