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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Old Smash Bros 64 Review: Terrible Game That Will Never Succeed

simple? pffffffttt. He probably only pressed random buttons then cause smash is not simple AT ALL! There is so much strategy involved. I bet be will rate Brawl a 5/10

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I love the fact that he refused to try the multiplayer. How 'hardcore'.

I remember when me and my brother first hired smash brothers. Damn that was a good week.

Well...I bet he's embarrassed now that SSBB will sell so wel!

Played_Out said:
^^ Actually I was applauding him not kowtowing to populist opinion.

Saying it was a suck on your wallets was not an implication that it was a cheaply put together game. It was an implication that the main reason people bought the game is because they are fans of the Nintendo characters that appear in it, rather than because it is a good game in itself. It is/was quite clear to me that the primary reason for grouping together a bunch of popular game characters is to sell more copies of an otherwise uninteresting game. I, and the reviewer in question, see this as a cheap marketing ploy, and one which, judging by your comments and the popularity of the series, has been incredibly successful.

You can disagree with me all you want, but calling me a fool certainly doesn't make me one. I agree with the reviewer because I think the game is incredibly primitive. I have always been a fan of fighting games, and whereas games like Mortal Kombat, Virtua Fighter and Tekken advanced the genre, Smash Brothers played like a Street Fighter 2 era game. I was a big fan of SF2 at the time of it's release, but after so many more sophisticated fighters, games like that just seem far too basic.

Also, saying that I "missed the point" is ridiculous. Your point was quite clear, but I just so happened to offer a dissenting opinion. In fact, the only point of yours with which I agree is that it really doesn't make sense to judge a fighting game without having played it against another person. Even Tekken is crap in single player.

I don't think you should be "applauding" him for being a rebel when his "opinion" isn't even factually correct let alone mildly educated on the subject that he was reviewing. This is a problem with being a mindless fanboy, you cling to the first person that agrees with you even if they are a drooling moron with no grasp of reality. The "primitive" comments about Smash Bros. isn't even an opinion, it's a flat out lie.

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

in holland the biggest gaming mag once reviewed final fantasy 6 (aka 3)...the one with kefka ....
it gave it a 3 ....stupid Japanese game with a lot of text...they never have played a rpg (neither did i at the time). and then ff 7 blew the reviewer away and it got an 9 (and made a rpg fan of me) ...
sometimes stranges things happen. Or the game wasn't played at all.

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This guy should write for SDF.

Terrible review. Smash Bros. is a party game, not a hard-core fighter like Guilty Gear. If you try to play it like the second rather than the first, then that's not Nintendo's fault, but yours for being a fighting-game nerdshoe with no friends.

"'Casual games' are something the 'Game Industry' invented to explain away the Wii success instead of actually listening or looking at what Nintendo did. There is no 'casual strategy' from Nintendo. 'Accessible strategy', yes, but ‘casual gamers’ is just the 'Game Industry''s polite way of saying what they feel: 'retarded gamers'."

 -Sean Malstrom



^It is a hardcore game!!!! I bet u have never played it before!!!! I'd say it's more hardcore than HALO 3!

ArtofAngels said:
See kids, any schmuck can become a reviewer.

 Fixed it for you AoA.

Hi, this is Vince with Shamwow.

Not only does this reviewer have no grasp on reviewing games (and it seems he only played the game once, if at all. 'Mario powers up with a star, fox powers up with a light saber'?) He also has no grasp on creative writing.

Using smacking sarcasm really only works if you don't repeat your self like this 'fluffy fat head' did, and toto too!

But the most telling part of the article:

"The nobody-does-it-better multi player mode is there too, like that’s what it’s really all about. However, there’s no way I’m going to ask three friends over just to see if this is the secret of Smash’s success; I want to keep what few friends I have."


He also shows a complete lack of foresight (That pokemon THING, obviously some childish fad that will die out,) and a complete lack of journalistic integrity in reporting on something he hasn't fully informed himself with.

But is all of this really uncommon in the age of the interweb, and toto too?

This reviewer not only should not be listened to (regardless of his view on the game,) he probably shouldn't have passed the 10th grade.

I give this a review of "F, See me after class"

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