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Forums - Website Topics - A suggestion on spam

^I am still admiring my own profile but at least ur fairer (unlike everybody else here except Brute and Soriku). However, I didn't refresh my own thread - that's not how I got 37k+views

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wiiforever said:
^stop assuming I'm einstein here!!! I know that ur directing this thread exactly at me but u guys go to stop the bashing! My last 100 posts or so have been mostly about defending myself cause of ur constant bashing!!!!!
Not even Soriku (my master) supports this idea!

Why would you say Soriku is your master? Is that perhaps because he is renowned for being a user with a large post count and generally smallish replies?

I harldy think he'd even give you the time of day, because if Soriku is a spammer, he's not as bad as you, nor can I imagine anyone wanting to associate with you, you're like a pest, the fly you just can't swat and continues to buzz around and piss everyone off.

Oh goodness no!

We don't want to end up like Runescape Community!

No post count in Off Topic first, no fun the next!



What about posts under 3 lines long don't count? That should lower Wiiforever's total with about, 2100 posts...

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

i dont know b/.c i am at work and i bounce from thread to thread all day long


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MontanaHatchet said:
Oh goodness no!

We don't want to end up like Runescape Community!

No post count in Off Topic first, no fun the next!

 YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Even a mod agrees with me!!!!!

^ Ooh wow, fifteen words. that's soo much. I'm sure that most of your "fifteen words" are it, of, or, as do, etc.

^ the rate the __ above u threads, ur only supposed to give a # and a quick ex. - not an essay

Maybe that is why people complain you don't read, you only read the first 15 words!

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

super_etecoon said:
Sorry...but aren't we taking the definition of spamming a bit too far? This site has a heavy off-topic following (just like any forum), and many of wiiforever's posts fit perfectly fine there. I do agree with the slamming that he took on his "2000 posts" thread. Arrogance of any kind shouldn't go without a swift kick in the pants....but we all know how he got those posts. We all know how Soriku got his posts.....and we know who refreshes their own profiles (won't name names here....that could be for another thread).

These people evidently value quantity over quality and rely on the numbers in their profile (views, post count, comments, friends) to give them a lift for their real-world lives. If they need it that much, should we be trying to take that away. If it makes them happy (don't know why it would) then let them keep them.

But make this a warning...maybe link to wiiforever's thread, that congratulating yourself on copious spamming will only get you a post by ArtofAngels with enough venom and bile to complete cancel out any happy thoughts you may have experienced by admiring your own profile.

LOL, C'mon I'm a nice guy at the best of times.

But even so, this is an example of people who know me because I have been a frequent on the site for a year, with a modest post count, unlike 6 weeks and posting like mad just because the kids at school don't want anything to do with you.

Like I said, take OkeyDokey for an example, a decent amount of profile views, less posts than you, yet he's light years ahead of you as a respected member of the community.