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Forums - Sony Discussion - BREAKING NEWS: 400,000 Ps4's Dead on Arrival

As we are all aware, the hardware malfunction plaguing the Ps4 is more widespread than the RRoD. Some early estimates put the failure rate at 40%. And guys.... it's only tje first day. Wxpect this number to rise when systems wear down. Anyway, taking what we know of how wide spread the issues are through amazon and considerong the early estimates by video game professionals we can now determine how many systems are actually broken since shu gave us a sales figure. According to shu, 1mil ps4's were sold. At 40% failure raye that would mean 400,000 ps4s were broken within the first day of use.

RIP Sony

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YES! I knew Sony would die! I pretended to be neutral but I knew Sony sucked! In your face, Sony fans!! WOOOOOO!

Its the postman breaking them because they are all xbox fans! of the nightmare!

(its actually 0.4% failure rate for anyone who doesn't know lol so 4,000 in every 1,000,000 sold)


“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix


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Holy crap are you this upset that 1 or 2 people started saying this crap? Damn dude




Posting this kind of nonsense should be bannable, atmosphere heres bad enough without poor taste 'joke' threads with no real purpose

You've been all over this Max. Not sure this thread was really needed and it only adds to the confusion without properly telling people that you or whoever wrote this is being sarcastic. Not sure why all this is bothering you so much as many people has stated just wait for numbers. It is partially being blown out of proportion because the back and forth bickering.