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Forums - Sony Discussion - Amazon Customer Reviews for PS4 - Trolls or serious issues?

This is why I preordered my Xbox One from Gamestop even though I had a preorder from Amazon. If something happens I want to be able to take my system back to the store and get another same day. I don't want to have to go through trying to mail something. Also I will be getting an extra 2 year warrenty. I wish these people the best.

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DerNebel said:

Someone on reddit shared a picture of how his PS4 arrived from Amazon

Looks like he wasn't the only one to get it like this, here's the thread:

That might explain some of the faulty PS4s...

I can believe it. A few of my products from Amazon arrived with packing pouches like these not even inflated with air. In the case of my PS4, there were packing pouched filling the entire box, but for some dumb reason none were placed under the actaul PS4 box. Thankfully, mine is working perfectly.

I am the Playstation Avenger.


Sad, I hope my PS4 works once it gets here. Funny though, I guess this will keep the Sony fanboys quiet for a while - at least until Xone launches and we see what the purported failure rate is on that console. Anyways, till then, back to my WiiU.

Nintendo Network ID: DaRevren

I love My Wii U, and the potential it brings to gaming.

Vasto said:
This is why I preordered my Xbox One from Gamestop even though I had a preorder from Amazon. If something happens I want to be able to take my system back to the store and get another same day. I don't want to have to go through trying to mail something. Also I will be getting an extra 2 year warrenty. I wish these people the best.

Yeah, that's what I usually do for big purchases (TVs, computers, systems, etc.), but I took a gamble with Amazon this time. I wouldn't get Gamestop's warranty if I were you though. There's a $59.99 warranty on PSN that's 3 years plus it covers accidental damage. My brother got the Gamestop warranty yesterday and it doesn't cover you accidentally damaging your system.

I am the Playstation Avenger.


Always funny to read how people blow up such little things. First of all most user reviews (for any product) are always negative, simply because people like to complain their 'bad' experiences. Of course if you have been waiting for months and the PS4 (or any product) you receive is DOA, thats really crap. But that does not mean the product itself is crap or of bad quality. 

I work at the biggest computer hardeware reseller (business to business) of my county as a technical support engineer. Every month we sell thousands of desktops, notebooks, tablets and mobile phones of all brands, and i can tell you we get DOA's all the time, no matter if its HP, DELL, Samsung or Apple. If i would only look at all the reported DOAs and defects i would think all these brands are crap, but compared to how many we sell its almost nothing.

Sony aims at a DOA rate of 0.04%, so that would mean 400 DOAs on every million sold. In reality it will probably be more like about 2 or 3%, thats the normal failure rate for hardware. So that would mean about 30.000 DOAs on every million. If all those 30.000 thousand complain on internet you will get the feeling there is no working PS4 out there, while in reality most gamers are just enjoying their new system.

260 DOAs out of all the units sold on Amazon (assuming their is no trolling involved), thats nothing to worry about. No doubt that when you receive a DOA unit it feels the hardware is crap. I get my PS4 in 2 weeks (Yay for living in Europe) and if its DOA i will not be happy for sure. But knowing how things work (when it comes to production, DOA's, warranty, services, etc) makes it easier to relativize situations and  messages like this.

So sure some people will have trouble with their PS4, which sucks, but im pretty sure the hardware will be of decent quality and in general there is no reason to worry about anything.

Collecting free bitcoin @

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Diablos1979 said:

Always funny to read how people blow up such little things. First of all most user reviews (for any product) are always negative, simply because people like to complain their 'bad' experiences. Of course if you have been waiting for months and the PS4 (or any product) you receive is DOA, thats really crap. But that does not mean the product itself is crap or of bad quality. 

I work at the biggest computer hardeware reseller (business to business) of my county as a technical support engineer. Every month we sell thousands of desktops, notebooks, tablets and mobile phones of all brands, and i can tell you we get DOA's all the time, no matter if its HP, DELL, Samsung or Apple. If i would only look at all the reported DOAs and defects i would think all these brands are crap, but compared to how many we sell its almost nothing.

Sony aims at a DOA rate of 0.04%, so that would mean 400 DOAs on every million sold. In reality it will probably be more like about 2 or 3%, thats the normal failure rate for hardware. So that would mean about 30.000 DOAs on every million. If all those 30.000 thousand complain on internet you will get the feeling there is no working PS4 out there, while in reality most gamers are just enjoying their new system.

260 DOAs out of all the units sold on Amazon (assuming their is no trolling involved), thats nothing to worry about. No doubt that when you receive a DOA unit it feels the hardware is crap. I get my PS4 in 2 weeks (Yay for living in Europe) and if its DOA i will not be happy for sure. But knowing how things work (when it comes to production, DOA's, warranty, services, etc) makes it easier to relativize situations and  messages like this.

So sure some people will have trouble with their PS4, which sucks, but im pretty sure the hardware will be of decent quality and in general there is no reason to worry about anything.

The .04% failure rate was about the systems that luanched before the official PS4 launch date which was about 4,000 PS4'S from the Taco Bell promotion and review units. I've seen the 2 or 3% failure rate constantly being thrown around as the "acceptable failure rate", but I haven't been able to find the source for that number.

DirtyP2002 said:


I am not trolling. Just a short question:

Is this legit?

Sooo many DOA-Units?



I'm thinking most are trolling, but some are legit due to Amazon packing or lack thereof. If the hardware was the issue, why aren't people that bought their systems from retail stores not reporting DOA consoles? Best Buy's support forums would be flooded if this was an actual issue.

I am the Playstation Avenger.


Trolls. You can find 1 star reviews before many products are launched/released.

KylieDog said:
Sensei said:
What worries me is that many of the 1-star reviews are verified purchases.

Simply ordering will get your review to count as this, even if you expected shipping date is after christmas and you haven't paid anything yet.

So can order a PS4, troll the review, cancel order.  Cost nothing.

You sound a lot like all the people who attacked me when I had gotten on a PS3 forum to ask if anyone else had a problem with their Blu Ray drive not working after a firmware update.  I was immediately called a liar.  I told them that I had called Sony who said that they hadn't heard of the problem and that I could send it in for repair as it was only about 7 months old.  They said that I had to have the original store receipt, which I didn't as this was my second PS3 and I had purchased it used off Craig's List.  The original owner had sent it in to have the drive replaced under warranty already and it worked great for me for about a month and a half.  Sony said that since I wasn't the original owner and didn't have the store receipt, even though the manufacture date was well ender a year old, I'd have to pay $150 to get it fixed.  After posting my story in the forums I was attacked by almost everyone.  Within a couple of days, the number of people who had experienced the same problem grew fast. In the end, I seen a lot of post by people who had theirs repaired by Sony and also seen a lot of PS3 systems on eBay and Craig’s List with non-working Blu Ray drives.  I ended up selling my non-working one on Craig’s List as broken.  I later bought a slim and sold my original 60GB and I’ve owned two other PS3’s since and haven’t had a problem with them.
I own or have owned pretty much every system ever released in the USA (other than the PS4) and several that weren't.  I'm not a fanboy to anyone, but I'll tell you, from my experiences, diehard Sony fans are by far the worst.  They only seem to believe what they want and everything else must be a lie.

Stop hating and start playing.

Doesn't matter if they are trolling or not, when a customers goes to Amazon to buy a PS4 and sees how many bad reviews the system is getting they will consider their purchase heavily, they don't know (or care) if the reviews are trolls or not, or if they are verified or not. 

Nintendo and PC gamer