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Forums - Sales Discussion - 360 version of DMC4 destroyed the PS3 in NA!!!!

I think what is far more important than the 360 version of DMC4 beating the PS3 version, is that the 360 version pushed more hardware into consumers hands than the PS3 version did, as indicated by the percentage increases.

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I saw this coming

and to all those idiots saying its way more succesful on PS3 because of WW sales well no shit, the fact that this is even competing with PS3 version is astonishing because it should trounce 360 version as it is the only installment on the 360 with 3 previous games and fanbase playstation owners.

If anything this shows developers that it is very profitable to turn PS games multiplatform - KONAMI might be taking interest in these sales. and if 360 version ends up selling more WW then just WOW

Well, I suppose when all else fails you need to reach for anything to tout some kind of superiority or accomplishment although I would put the 360 numbers down to the 360 hardware shortage it's currently experiencing rather than anything DMC4 did. DMC has never been a system seller, I really can't see it boosting 40% 360 numbers on it's own...

And when you consider over 1million owners on the 360 downloaded the demo the 260k number is rather low. Anyone can spin things into a negative or positive light depending on the agenda.

For me, I'll settle with DMC4 did well on all systems and benefited them both and in the end gamers won and that's the most important thing.



I knew somebody would eventually go there. With all the software sales the 360 has, I hardly think anything DMC4 does will convince Konami of anything. Last year the 360 was the software king and the PS3 software blew chunks, yet in January Sony and a Konami marketing rep were touting MGS4 exclusive and showing playable demo. They are announcing the release date later this month, you will hear nothing about MGS4 on 360 for many many months. Sad for 360 owners but that's just too bad. Like Ryan Payton said, it's just the way it is.


Surprise? NO!!!!!!!!

ArtofAngels said:

 Hahahaha, ArtofAngles humor never gets old

Crusty VGchartz old timer who sporadically returns & posts. Let's debate nebulous shit and expand our perpectives. Or whatever.

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yeah, i dont really want to play MGS4,

which will sell more?

360 DMC 1st week - 400k
PS3 DMC 1st week - 470k

i think japan this week was only 70k over 60% drop off, PS3 will have better legs in europe and 360 version better in america, where it is selling more. it will be really close call, i say 360 will just win.

and 1m downloads into 260k is ok, Bioshock had over 1m and sold 422k but dropped quickly and in a better month for software sales, it will get close to cracking 1m in USA

360 will win with DMC4 because America is the largest market for the Devil May Cry franchise. What I am saying though is that will have no impact on Konami in regards to MGS4.

StanGable said:
Ha! Guess 360 won this battle. Oh and it also slightly beat the European version. Ouch!

 Let's look at some numbers bud.

First, as the topic suggests, sales in NA.
So 360 sold 265,000, PS3 168,000, so technically speaking, yes the 360 did beat the PS3. BUT the PS3 install base in NA is roughly 1/3 of the 360, taking that into consideration, the PS3 sales were actually better.

How about Japan? The 360 install base is roughly 1/3 of the PS3, yet the PS3 sold 208,000 vs. 42,000, PS3 ratio wins there too.

Worldwide the PS3 has outsold the 360 version by 70,000 and Japans numbers have not come it, you can expect the beating to continue.

So are you just a huge fanboy and ignored Japan, the install bases, and all that, or do you not know how to read numbers?

Winner for DMC4, PS3. Which is really sad for the 360 considering its 7 million more consoles.

StanGable said:
So basically I can say that DMC4 is a total success for the 360 in Japan as well considering it sold 40k and it only has half a millon units sold there. Gotcha, that proves the 360 has a better attachment rate than the PS3 in Japan as well.

 Console ratio in NA 360 3:1 PS3, sales though were less than 2:1 while in Japan, the console ratio is a little more than PS3 3:1 360 while sales were about PS3 5:1 360, again PS3 wins in both scenarions when you take into account userbases.

Funny thing is, if StanGable just stuck to his title, he would have gotten away with it. but he had to be greedy and gloat about the Euro numbers, and everyone knows you cant include Europe and conveniently cut Japan off, that would be cherry picking..
you shoulda just stuck with your title Stan, overreaching is bad.

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