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Well, I suppose when all else fails you need to reach for anything to tout some kind of superiority or accomplishment although I would put the 360 numbers down to the 360 hardware shortage it's currently experiencing rather than anything DMC4 did. DMC has never been a system seller, I really can't see it boosting 40% 360 numbers on it's own...

And when you consider over 1million owners on the 360 downloaded the demo the 260k number is rather low. Anyone can spin things into a negative or positive light depending on the agenda.

For me, I'll settle with DMC4 did well on all systems and benefited them both and in the end gamers won and that's the most important thing.



I knew somebody would eventually go there. With all the software sales the 360 has, I hardly think anything DMC4 does will convince Konami of anything. Last year the 360 was the software king and the PS3 software blew chunks, yet in January Sony and a Konami marketing rep were touting MGS4 exclusive and showing playable demo. They are announcing the release date later this month, you will hear nothing about MGS4 on 360 for many many months. Sad for 360 owners but that's just too bad. Like Ryan Payton said, it's just the way it is.