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Forums - Sony Discussion - Update 2: Pictures / Update: My impressions So Far / Got My PS4

I preordered from walmart and now i just got it in the mail and i am extremly happy YAY!!!


Has anyone else got theirs yet from the mail yet?


I will edit this thread if there is problems or not (for mine at least)


Edit 1: The System Update is 323MB (some i saw said it was 500MB)


Edit 2: In the update(as far as i know) never got rid of DRM because there was never any (this is for the reports that stated that the Update was to get rid of DRM)


My Impressions(SO far)

The UI

The UI is almost like the XMB on PS3 but modified a bit to my liking though.  I love the music in the background (relaxing it is) it isn't cluttered and easy to navigate.  Like the What New section where all the Friends Activities are and there are ads but to be expected since that is practically what the What New section on PS3 is for.  Everytime you choose an application that said application will be number 2 on the UI(like the web browser is number 5 i believe with nothing installed but when you use the web browser it will be number 2 instead).  Going from the UI to the PS Store takes only 2 Seconds(probably depends on your internet speeds).  Going from a UI to a stand by mode game takes only 2 seconds.  


Dualshock 4

The DS4 fixed all the flaws that the DS3 had (analogs too close, L2 & R2 easily slippable and accidently do actions that you don't want when you put the controller down, and the Analog Sticks were easily slippable which the DS4 fixed and thank god for that). There is one problem to me that is the problem and that is trying to remember the the Start & select are not there (to me it is hard to remember).  If you are worried when you are in a dark room and worrying that the Light Bar would reflect off of the screen, don't worry about it. The light isn't that bright(it is very dull actually) The TV Screen will over power it.  You can double tap the ps button to go back to previously used application which i love and it works extremly well.


The Console

The Light on the console is not distracting.  I love the console design, it is small and sleek and i love it.  After 3 hrs of it being on the system it is only warm and not that hot (pretty cool)  and there is no problems with the console.  No video cut out, no console turn off because of overheating nothing.  No problems.  The fans are quiet.  The buttons on the console(Eject & Power) are actually touch sensitive.  USB Mics will work with the console.  The console does wobble but nothing to worry about at all


Web Browser

The web browser it is pretty decent.  It is kinda slow but better than the PS3's web browser but the Vita's browser is better.  You cannot watch videos at all on the PS4 browser not even Youtube so don't expect to watch videos on the browser.  To me this a negative since the Vita Browser can support video now.  You cannot use the touchpad to scroll up or down which to me it should and there is no excuse for it to not able to use that touchpad.


Remote Play   

It works beutifully.  I can play games and it works smoothly, watch streams,  navigate the UI, go on the PS Store, do everything.  Devs don't even have to map the controls as the PS4 does that as well.  Devs have to do practically nothing for remote play.  You can't use apps with remote play and you cannot go accross the house to use remote play because it will disconnect you from the system (sort of).  If you go back close to the system (only way to make it reconnect) there will be sound lag so you have to close the app on the vita and reopen the app and reconnect to the ps4 and it will be fine.   


That is all i have for now


Edit 3: Pictures (i took these with PS Vita since i don't have an actual camera)


Around the Network

Pics please :)

Congratz! Have fun with it xD

Currently own:


  • Ps4


Currently playing: Witcher 3, Walking Dead S1/2, GTA5, Dying Light, Tomb Raider Remaster, MGS Ground Zeros

gratz, just got back from target and they had a display model up. god damn is the new dual shock sexy. feels sooo good. :P

All we want to know is if it breaks. C'mon baby I'm dying for some bad news....please, anything. Is the light on the console really distracting? How about your hands, do they feel arthritic?

Around the Network

Congratulations and have fun with it :)
Still 7 days to wait for me hehe (pre-ordered an Xbox One)

let us know if it bricks or not^^


The PS5 Exists. 

if you have any problems with it, make sure you remove the HDD while the system is still on

I am Torgo, I take care of the place while the master is away.

"Hes the clown that makes the dark side fun.. Torgo!"

Ha.. i won my bet, but i wasnt around to gloat because im on a better forum!  See ya guys on Viz


It wont break, now you are being silly.