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Forums - Sony Discussion - Please God, Yes! Possibility of PS2 BC Returning to Gutted PS3s ...

The one version of the PlayStation 3 that currently supports PlayStation 2 software—via emulation of the "Emotion Engine"—looks like it's about to go the way of the dodo. Exactly how crushed should those of us be, should we want to experience PS2 classics on our future PS3s? Oh, totally crushed for now, but the future may provide a glimmer of hope, backing us away from the ledge. PlayStation Network director Eric Lempell says there are "possibilities" the PS2 playing capabilities could come back to the gutted PS3 in the most recent issue of EGM.

When asked by the mag if the now BC-less console kills any chance of offering PS2 games via the PlayStation Store, as it does for original PlayStation games, Lempel said "We haven't talked about that yet, but there are possibilities through technology and software emulation to make that possibles."

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That's what I've always been wondering! They emulate PS1 games without any PS1 hardware. Why not PS2 games?

I hope so too!

There are PS2 emulators which run on systems that are less powerful than the PS3; most have major issues which prevent them from being much more than a software engineering project. Realistically, it should be possible to emulate the PS2 on the PS3 but I don't expect it to be an easy problem to solve because (after all) it is attempting to emulate an unusual and complicated system on a different unusual and complicated system.

but it won't matter as much for me.... I've got the 60 gb

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but it won't matter as much for me.... I've got the 60 gb

 Yea bro this is one of the few time being an early adopted did'nt feel like a kick to the nutz.

and im sitting on a 160gb PS3. Early adopters FTW except if your a 360 early adopter im still get a lil scared when my 360 makes a funny noise. 

I expected this would happen eventually. They didn't have full ps1 software BC until near the end of last gen.

It would be nice to have bc, but first sony needs to determine if future models they make will lack bc or if it's just this 40 gig. Or for that matter just decide on models and stop the new version every three months

Yeah, BC needs to return to PS badly ... I would have considered keeping the 40gb if it had it.

^^'' Would be welcome.