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Hey, everyone! I'm not hyperactive, and here's how I'm gonna prove it to you;
Run up and down the streets like a maniac and shout it to everyone in short, barely contained outbursts of noise.
Think I'll get the point across, or perhaps I'll simple underline and prove them right in their initial assumptions?
How is this logic hard to follow? Anyone?

Around the Network
ArtofAngels said:
I have no idea why he's not banned, Is no Mod following this guy?

I and a few others have been watching him all night and he's cleary eligable for a permban.

He's been told so many times by us users but he keeps on doing the same things over and over.

 I've been following his posts since yesterday when Igave him numerous warnings.  He got a tlittle better for a little while but he's been steadily getting back to his old habits.  We'll see if a one day ban mellows him out and if not, we'll try longer.

Anyways, this thread is done.

wiiforever said:
i think there's something wrong with urs

These chicks don't even know the name of my BANNED! 


Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

he's banned...