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Forums - General Discussion - Obama wins Virginia ...

Yeah, it's looking pretty good for Obama.

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redspear: Clinton did not "Win" all of Michigan and Florida's pledged delegates. She won a little over half of those, and Obama took a quarter of Florida's.

In June, there will probably be some sort of compromise struck. Ie, cutting the delegatios in half and seating them as is, ordering new contests, awarding Michigan's uncommitteds to Obama and seating Florida as is, etc.

With regards to Texas, she shouldn't count on a big victory there. One-third of the delegates are chosen by cucuses,whereObama crushes her. The primaries award delagates acording to districts, most of which are small enough that they'll either split or give 1 or 2 delegate margins. It's virtualyimposible, without winning 2-1 uniformly, for her to come out of Texas with a lead of more than a few dozen.

superchunk said:
@redspear, those dont count. No one campaigned in either state. Hillary was the only one on the ballet in Michigan.

You are right no one campaigned in those states BUT Florida did have Obama and Edwards on the ballot here were the results


Updated 4:32 p.m. EST, Jan 30, 2008


madskillz said:
Darc Requiem said:
I live in Virginia, voted for Obama BTW, and the fact that he has apparently steam rolled Hillary is surprising to me. I mean you can't drive five minutes in my state with out some reminder of the Confederacy. I mean US Route 1. is called Jefferson Davis Highway here...


Hay, isn't there a road in Richmond with all these Confederate generals and an Arthur Ashe statue? I was in Richmond @ VCU like 11 years ago ... went to the Tobacco Company - man, that prime rib was as big as my head!

No joke - I dunno the total bill, but our 3 waiters got $300 tips a pop. Dow Jones picked up the tab!

 Yeah the Sons of Confederate Veterans threw a big fit about that too. I wanted that statue on Monument Ave. just to piss them off frankly. I don't see monuments to Hitler and the 3rd Reich on German streets...

THis is yet another big win for Obama winning 6 states and counting in a row. The MD polls are stillopen for another 90 min giving ppl who haven't voted yet a chance to vote. According to polls, Obama will also win next tuesdays wisconsin's primarys ...

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Desroko said:
redspear: Clinton did not "Win" all of Michigan and Florida's pledged delegates. She won a little over half of those, and Obama took a quarter of Florida's.

In June, there will probably be some sort of compromise struck. Ie, cutting the delegatios in half and seating them as is, ordering new contests, awarding Michigan's uncommitteds to Obama and seating Florida as is, etc.

With regards to Texas, she shouldn't count on a big victory there. One-third of the delegates are chosen by cucuses,whereObama crushes her. The primaries award delagates acording to districts, most of which are small enough that they'll either split or give 1 or 2 delegate margins. It's virtualyimposible, without winning 2-1 uniformly, for her to come out of Texas with a lead of more than a few dozen.
Yeah this is correct all i am saying is people forget them


Obama is going to win Maryland tonight, and DC. Voting for Democras Abroad ends today, and he'll probably win those too.

Next week there are caucuses in Hawaii, and a primary in Wisconsin. Those are both probably Obama wins.

One down, two to go, then on to March. Time heals, if it is given.


Obama is now the official Democrat front runner.

Next week is

Hawaii and Wisconsin. Two more states that should be easy wins for Obama.

Then there is a two week of nothing and on March 9th.

Ohio, Texas, Rhode Island, and Vermont. This will be Hillary's last stand.