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Forums - General Discussion - Obama wins Virginia ...

Oh boy ... look at this jackass ...

The racial components of the 2008 Democratic Primary refuse to go away. On Tuesday, Gov. Ed Rendell, a prominent Hillary Clinton supporter, told the Pittsburgh Post Gazette that he believed some Pennsylvania voters would not support Barack Obama simply because of his race.

"You've got conservative whites here, and I think there are some whites who are probably not ready to vote for an African-American candidate," the Governor said, ironically, to a black reporter. "I believe, looking at the returns in my election, that had Lynn Swann [2006 Republican gubernatorial candidate] been the identical candidate that he was -- well-spoken, charismatic, good-looking -- but white instead of black, instead of winning by 22 points, I would have won by 17 or so."

This is the second time in as many days that the topic of Obama's racial appeal (or, in Rendell's case, lack of biracial appeal) has been brought up by the Clinton campaign. Yesterday, the Senator herself suggested that Obama's weekend win in the Louisiana primary was the product of, primarily, the black vote.

"In the case of Louisiana," she said, "you know, a very strong and very proud African-American electorate, which I totally respect and understand."

Obama has, in his primary victories, picked up a vast majority of the black vote. But his margins among the white electorate have increased as well. In California, according to exit polls, he and Clinton were virtually tied among the later.


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@madskillz, well honestly he is winning almost 90% of the black vote. That obviously is a huge pull for him. How many of those voters don't even know what he stands for?

My wife is a perfect example, prior to Super Tuesday we were watching tv and talking about hillary/obama. She said she really wanted a woman president and would probably vote for her. I said why would you vote for someone specifically due to their race/gender? You should vote because you admire the person and agree with their views. She thought and said, yeah you're right. I will probably vote for Obama.

BTW, I'm white and she is Arab. Oh and Obama FTW!!!!

I live in Virginia, voted for Obama BTW, and the fact that he has apparently steam rolled Hillary is surprising to me. I mean you can't drive five minutes in my state with out some reminder of the Confederacy. I mean US Route 1. is called Jefferson Davis Highway here...

Im going for Obama too, by the way is anyone here actually going out to vote?

PSN ID: Sol_Protege     Wii:154209933064989 

NJ5 said:
I'm rooting for Obama too, but won't Clinton get the advantage back at Texas and Ohio? If what I've been reading is accurate, that could well be the case... What after Ohio/Texas?

I think obama has a chance to take Ohio with his recent momentum going into it. Hillary will most likely get Texas but if Obama gets Ohio it probably won't matter.

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Phoenix_34 said:
Im going for Obama too, by the way is anyone here actually going out to vote?

 What do yo mean? I think quite a few of us US'ers voted in this primary. I know I did.

Phoenix_34 said:
Im going for Obama too, by the way is anyone here actually going out to vote?
  My state already had it's primary. And yes I did vote- Obama. He the only person to ever make me care about a Primary.  


"But as always, technology refused to be dignity's bitch."--Vance DeGeneres

After todays primaries Obama will have overcome the super delegate difference. Does anyone else think it is really lame that some people get a whole freaking vote to themselves?? Why is that person more important than the will of the voters?

Phoenix_34 said:
Im going for Obama too, by the way is anyone here actually going out to vote?

I am in New Mexico - I voted for him - my wife didn't say - I asked her if Chelsea or Hillary were still blowin' up her inbox ...


Yeah, I think the super delagates should be dropped. It should be as close as possible to the popular vote.