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Forums - Politics Discussion - Is the FDA justified in banning Trans Fats?

My answer is simply that people should be able to produce, buy and consume anything they want to. If people think its a good idea to avoid eating trans-fats then that's exactly what you should do. Just don't force the rest of us to conform to what you think is best.

If most places keep offering food with trans-fats then most people think differently then you or don't care enough and you can either try to change people and businesses opinion or you can just put up with it.

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they have a trans fat ban of some kind in ca for a while. it was done in a stupid way though, basically supermarkets can sell prepackaged items that contain trans fat, but restaurants can't use it in any items (has to be less than 1 gram per serving i believe)

The obesity crisis is something that needs to be addressed in the United States, but I don't believe some cherry picking nanny state will be able to solve it. What's the point of banning trans fats if 80-90% of the food in your average American grocery store is unhealthy junk? What's the point of taking these small measures if our very culture is based in unhealthy eating habits?

There has been an exponential rise in obesity rates in nearly all western nations over the last several decades. Let's look back to find the original root of the problem and address that rather than taking small steps like this. Yes, trans fats are damaging, but the average obese American isn't so much better off without them.



I believe in freedom of choice so i disagree with an all out ban. Tax and label it harmful is fine with me. If people want to be able to eat transfats then they should be able to.

*Faceplams at the stupidity.*

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they took transfat out of kfc here in Caribbean and now I can only 1 piece at a time before it was much more! I find as all tings we must b given choice alco and cigs are bad for us but yet we r allowed to use either 1 y not the same with trans fat just make sure and state that its there

Transfat can be avoided and will not cause people to get illegal transfat food like drugs. Therefor the ban is justiable because of unneeded danger put in food that we know do nothing but cause overweight Americans and early deaths.

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