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Forums - Gaming Discussion - killzone shadowfall or ryse:son of rome.which one has the best graphics? poll added


which has the best graphics?

ryse:son of rome 52 25.37%
killzone shadowfall 103 50.24%
see results 49 23.90%
bananaking21 said:
JayWood2010 said:
JoeTheBro said:

It's like comparing pickles and cucumbers.

What if I think they are grapes and grapefruit? ;P

what if i think they are like banana's and penises? 

Then Freud would question your relationship with your father.

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Mr Puggsly said:
oni-link said:
Mr Puggsly said:
All I can say is the Ryse footage has been more visually stunning to me.

The trailer for Shadowfall looked great. But gameplay videos look like a 7th gen game with more polish.

for once pugs we agree!!! OMG what's happening to the world!!!

I think you evolved.

Considering Killzone is aiming for 60 fps and 1080p, people shouldn't expect the most detailed visuals the PS4 can push.

The visuals in killzone is very detailed. Making your game 1080p 60 fps doesnt automaticallu mean the visuals get downgraded or less detailed. Its not that simple. 

Intel Core i7 3770K [3.5GHz]|MSI Big Bang Z77 Mpower|Corsair Vengeance DDR3-1866 2 x 4GB|MSI GeForce GTX 560 ti Twin Frozr 2|OCZ Vertex 4 128GB|Corsair HX750|Cooler Master CM 690II Advanced|

if you look at still screenshots they look comparable but...

1080p vs. 900p
60 fps vs. 30 fps

...graphically speaking the winner is obviously killzone.

Killzone´s art style looks better (to me).

The rest looks "good" on the same level. (polygon, texture wise)

Ryse looks better hands down. Killzone looks really good too though.

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HokageTenshi said:
globalisateur said:
HokageTenshi said:

Ryse > Killzone Shadow Fall ( graphics comparison )

Reason : 900p small map in order to able to perform more graphics effect vs 1080p huge map with lots of gameplay direction 

I see a paradox here.

/Activate sarcasm detector full mode...

I see.

I edited my opinion clearer...

If you feel its a sarcasm comment then i would like to learn more from you teacher...

If it was not sarcasm I would have written: Ryse < Killzone. Not the other way around as you put it.

Because in my opinion with the level of details shown in real gameplay of both games: 900p30fps < 1080p60fps.

But I may be wrong or read incorrectly your post.

And don't forget DF's always interesting opinion:

If you sit 25 feet from your TV, Ryse probably looks better.

If you sit 6-10 feet from your TV, KZ probably looks better.

Played the two... Killzone is better in graphic terms.

lets post some actual gameplay footage shall we? 



i think its clear which one looks better.

foodfather said:

In some trailers, KZSF looks phenomenal, but on certain other streams and gameplay vids, it hardly looks next gen at all bar from a few neat lighting effects and set piece moments. Aim for the highly unnecessary bench marks of 1080p and 60fps could be the reason why. Withouth this, KZSF would probably look a whole lot better. On a side note, I think people are forgetting how good KZ3 actually looks. KZSF really does look like the same game, but with more colour. 

Ryse gets my vote, I think its the best looking game next gen, but its just an adventure game, it doesn't really compare with the grphical detail and fidelity required in an FPS game.

I'd say overall, BF4 looks better than both, certainly a lot more than KZSF.

If KZ wasn't 60 FPS it would look noticably worse in motion. And if it was lower than 1080p it may have more detail but the image would be a lot less crisp.

BF4 doesn't look better than either game on either console. PC BF4 is on another level. Especially when you go higher than 1080p.