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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Timed Monopoly: Why it's Too Soon for the Next Xbox

disolitude said:
hunter_alien said:
disolitude said:
jankazimierz said:
They are coming out with ANOTHER XBOX!?!?! What about everyone who just bought one in the past year or 2? Dang, Im selling mine now and getting a Wii.

See now this would classify as tolling as your post history shows you posted in such topics as "Post if you are a Sony fan" and you were praising uncharted in "best graphics" forum.

Also you list you own PS3 games hence you don't really own an Xbox and this doesn't concern you one least bit.

But its ok, as compared to the stupidity of this article, your idiocy doesn't look that bad.

So if somebody posts in the " Post if yur a Nintendo fan " thread , and than states that the PS3 will only last 4 years , hes automaticly a troll ? The only one trolling here is you ...

No sir... Someone saying that a new xbox coming out is a big deal to him and having him say ...I better sell mine...when he doesn't actually OWN one is trolling.


 Dissolitude is right btw, jankazimierz is a tool.

Xbox Live Gamertag - Deathscythe X

AIM SN - Alexie Di Onie


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I think it would be stupid if it were to come out too soon, but research and development usually starts soon after the current console comes out so it wouldn't come as a suprise if Nintendo, Sony, or Microsoft are developing their next console already.


On that note, are you guys serious when you say Perfect Dark Zero was decent? My friend and I played it and thought it was terrible. The only thing it had going for it was some flashy graphics.

In fact, Caboose from Red vs Blue said something sweet that pertains to this when RVB moved to Halo 2

"Everything is shiny in the future!"

mmnin said:
Ugh. The console generation just got going with all 3 and people are talking about the next box? I would say that conversation is still 2 years away.

I would hope it's more like 3-4 years away AT LEAST.

Cause I doubt most gamers are willing to spend 400$ on a new console every 3-4 years ( the idea with consoles is you don't get all the complexity of PCs and you don't replace them as often as PCs either..) and it's not like there's a tonn of games out there or in development that are complaining about the lack of power of this gen consoles............

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

Dno said:
ok i have read everyones opinon in this thread and i have to say you are all crazy xbox heads. this article is VERY TRUE and the improving sales of the ps3 prove it. 360 sales are going to down microsoft knows this and is working on another system. they will kill the industry not sony.

If microsoft makes another system in less then 4 years i will NOT get it. they have proven that their hardware sucks and then i paid 479.99 for an elite that last only 3 years. i have all systems and like the xbox but the article is true and if all you fanboy xbots dont see it you are blind.

and rocketpig the article is saying the ps3 is MORE future proof then 360 and that is DAMN true

If you had read the "article", you'd notice that "future proof" was used in other occations too. And the thing RP was saying was nothing is future proof. PS3 may last longer in the market that 360, but it doesn't make PS3 future proof. Or what if PS3 dies 6 months after 360, wouldn't getting 360 at launch have been more future proof than getting PS3 at launch? PS3 has BD which potentially can expand the life of PS3 beyond this console generation, while 360 has non-free online, which potentially can expand the life of 360 beyond this generation. But if we want to look at it how future proof was used, by Average Joe knowing Playstation is future proof, it could resemble that since the Average Joe doesn't understand how things work, he/she assumes that Playstation 3 has similar cycle than the previous ones. But since the Average Joe wasn't the average Xbox customer, he definately doesn't know what kind of lifecycle Xbox had, and really, doesn't even care. The Average Joe sees 360 lifecycle similar than what the other Playstations, besides 360, had, if Average Joe even thinks the lifecycle of his console (which is proved by people still buying PS2:s). @Topic: I wouldn't be surprised if that post would have been picked from SDF, despite it having few good points. First console in the market have never won, while Sega gained a lot with Megadrives headstart. Sega thought it was clever to release Dreamcast before the others, but N64 was still too new and PS2 was more powerful than DC, which suffered from 3rd party support. The hardcore definately bought the Dreamcast, but the casuals bought PS2... Now what the writer suggests, is that M$ is going the Sega way, which i don't believe. If M$ is going to launch third console, it's under development. And if they see some planned game to fit better for their future console, maybe because of new innovation or new tech, it is better to move to that console, since M$ definately knows that they aren't going to win this generation and they have a shot to win the next one if they play things right. Anyway, i doubt that "rumor" being anywhere near truth. A good example was the rumored GC controller before GC release, and just like Shigeru stated that they were planning to release a controller similar to Wii Remote for GC, but since Nintendo propably saw that they had lost the game before GC release, they decided to push their innovation for the next generation.

Ei Kiinasti.

Eikä Japanisti.

Vaan pannaan jalalla koreasti.


Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo system.

I actually have alot more games than the 2 I put on my profile.  Im am big into my PS3 now cause that I the newest system I have, but I do think that the 360 has "funner" games, thats why I got Ghost Recon 1&2 for it.  The reason I am going to sell my 360 isnt to say that it isnt good, but its to get a decent return on it before EVERYONE starts selling thiers to purchase the new XBOX.  Hope that makes sense.  Also, if their was a "post if your an xbox fan" thread i would have posted their too! :)

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Am I the only one who thinks that a new console coming out so soon is Crazy?  Not trying to troll, but usually companies dont make games for past generation consoles...but maybe the 360 will be like the PS2 and they will keep making games for awhile. 

To be honest I'm really not sure what I would do if I were Microsoft. They definitely shouldn't release a new system early as that would lose them a stupid amount of customers. I think they should fight for some console exclusives, it's good that they have Halo but they need something more IMO.

I wonder if the new xbox will use HD-DVD or Blu-Ray, or stick to good old DVD?

bdbdbd said:
Now what the writer suggests, is that M$ is going the Sega way, which i don't believe. If M$ is going to launch third console, it's under development. And if they see some planned game to fit better for their future console, maybe because of new innovation or new tech, it is better to move to that console, since M$ definately knows that they aren't going to win this generation and they have a shot to win the next one if they play things right. Anyway, i doubt that "rumor" being anywhere near truth. A good example was the rumored GC controller before GC release, and just like Shigeru stated that they were planning to release a controller similar to Wii Remote for GC, but since Nintendo propably saw that they had lost the game before GC release, they decided to push their innovation for the next generation.

 Very good points. While MS will certainly release their next console before anyone else, there are many other factors at stake here...

- What about high def optical? That market needs to clean itself up before MS will want to jump into it (and their next console will most certainly use high definition optical).

- What about the price? MS will certainly not launch above a $400 price point ($300 is more likely IMO). How will they gain a significant technological advantage over the PS3 at that point?

- Customer rapport. MS will burn many bridges with a new console in 2009. The 360 is still going strong (though not great) and there is plenty of room to improve sales as the price drops. Shit, the Pro still retails at $349, just $50 less than launch. They'll want that price under $200 before a new console launches.

Wait until MS can choose high def optical comfortably (most likely BD at this point) with a cheap price and wait until they can annihilate the tech behind the PS3 for ~$300. By holiday 2010, MS will be able to build a machine that will stomp all over the PS3 for a reasonable price. And that's when they'll launch. There's not much to gain from doing it before then and there is a hell of a lot to lose by doing so.

Or check out my new webcomic:

Yeah, if they can release a superior console with BD at the same price as the PS3 AND make better games WITHOUT delays, than Sony will be scrambling to compete, and Im not sure what else they could do but be forced to release a new console before their 2016 date. It might make things ugly with the game industry though, as we already see alot of people going to the "casual" side of gaming cause of the high prices and confusion (different sku's, backwards compatibility issues) from the different systems.